Have your say
Together, we can build a more vibrant, welcoming and connected city. Your ideas and input are crucial to ensuring Vaughan is the city you want it to be. We invite you to engage on issues that matter to you and help improve our city, one decision at a time.
Why engage?
- No one knows their community better than the people who live, work and play there – City staff have technical expertise, but you’re the expert on your neighbourhood.
- You can be a caretaker of your community by helping City staff and Council make decisions that benefit everyone.
- We live in a democratic society and it’s your right to have a say about issues that interest or impact you.
- If two heads are better than one, imagine what we can achieve with ideas and input from the more than 340,000 people living in Vaughan!
Current Conversations
Martin Grove Road Corridor Review
Join us in person at an information session to learn more about the feedback collected through the traffic study.
Stormwater Rate Study
Share your thoughts on the Stormwater Rate Study by taking an online survey, visiting a pop-up event or joining our virtual meeting.
Vaughan Official Plan
Attend an Open House to learn more about the draft Vaughan Official Plan.
VMC Transportation Master Plan
Learn more about the study and share your thoughts by joining a Public Information Centre.
Weston 7 Secondary Plan
Review the draft plan and attend a meeting in January.
Contact Information
City of Vaughan eNewsletter
Sign up to receive news, reports and events.