

By-law Number Description Status Authority
053-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend Licensing By-law No. 315-2005, as amended, to introduce licences for pet grooming establishments and pet shops, and to amend Animal Control By-law No. 53-2002, as amended, to allow for the inspection of such establishments, and to amend Fees and Charges By-law No. 171-2013 to establish a fee for licensing-related inspections. Enacted May 16, 2017, CW 17(6)
054-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend By-laws 315-2005 and 016-2017 to correct a number of drafting errors. (Licensing, Business Licences, Licensing Fees, License Renewal, Renovators, Pavers, Landscapers) Enacted November 15, 2016, CW(WS) 40(2)
055-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to repeal Water Use By-law No. 122-2003 in accordance with direction from City Council. (Public utilities, illegal connections) Enacted November 15, 2016, CW(WS) 40(1)
056-2017 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Andridge Homes Subdivision, Phase 2B (Partial) and Phase 2C , 19T-99V08, Registered Plan 65M-4184 (Partial) and 65M-4266. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW 21(15)
057-2017 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in 1275620 Ontario Inc. Phase 1 Subdivision, 19T-02V10, Registered Plan 65M-3984. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW 21(16)
058-2017 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in 1275620 Ontario Inc., Phase 2 Subdivision, 19T-02V10, Registered Plan 65M-4068. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW 21(17)
059-2017 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Block 12, Phase 2 Spine Services Agreement. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW 21(18)
060-2017 A By-law to partially assume Municipal Services in Jan-Sil Golfwood Residential Subdivision, 19T-88055, Registered Plan 65M-3195. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW 21(19)
061-2017 A By‑law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a new Lease Agreement between the City of Vaughan and 2410658 Ontario Ltd. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW(CS) 22(2)
062-2017 A By‑law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between Canadian Pacific Railway Company and the City of Vaughan. Enacted June 5, 2017, CW(CS) 22(3)
063-2017 A By‑law to stop up and close the south portion of Barnes Court. (Part of Lot 6, Concession 4, being Parts 27 and 28 on Plan 65R-36496) Enacted May 16, 2017, CW 17(13)
064-2017 A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4540 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.17.004, DA.15.065, Quadrant Holdings Inc., located at the southeast corner of Lebovic Campus Drive and Thomas Cook Boulevard, being Blocks 1 to 19 on Registered Plan 65M-4540, in Lot 18, Concession 2, facilitating maintenance easements, creation of 110 street townhouse units) Enacted Delegation By-law 195-2015
065-2017 A By-law to exempt parts of M-1116 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.16.010, Pine Valley Enclave Ltd., Z.14.038, DA.14.071, 19CDM-16V011, located on the west side of Pine Valley Drive, north of Willis Road, being Part of Lots 13 (Part 1, Plan 65R-36018) and 14 (Part 4, Plan 65R-36018) on Registered Plan M-1116, in Part of Lot 9, Concession 7, 28 freehold residential parcels of tied land) Enacted Delegation By-law 195-2015
066-2017 A By‑law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on June 5, 2017. Enacted Council,
June 5, 2017