Flower Pots, Baskets and Shrub Beds

The addition of hanging baskets, planters and flower beds across the city contributes to beautification efforts. These floral additions throughout the community are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also help friendly pollinators, like bees and birds. Horticulture services maintains these displays on a regular basis by pruning, weeding, watering and fertilizing the flowers throughout the summer.

The City of Vaughan maintains planters and hanging baskets throughout the city on a seasonal basis.


Hanging baskets and flower pots

Hanging Baskets and Flowers


Currently there are approximately 750 hanging baskets and 550 flower pots found on boulevards and medians throughout the City of Vaughan. Horticulture displays can be found in the major streetscape centres, which include:

  • Woodbridge Avenue in Woodbridge
  • Islington Avenue in Kleinburg
  • Major Mackenzie in Maple
  • Yonge Street in Thornhill


Shrub beds

The City of Vaughan maintains all shrub beds on City property.


Maintenance consists of the pruning, weeding and mulching. Shrub beds can be found in three main locations across the city:

  • Entrance features and gateways
  • Boulevard locations which are along roadways, both regional and municipal
  • Islands, medians and roundabouts
Shrub Beds

Sponsor a city flower bed

Grow with Vaughan is the City’s newest partnership program offering budget-friendly, highly visible sponsorship opportunities for local businesses. The program provides the opportunity to build brand awareness in a targeted community along with positive brand association by contributing to the quality of life and beautification of the neighbourhood you operate in.