McNaughton Road West Environmental Assessment
Future improvements to McNaughton Road West
The City of Vaughan is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study for improvements to McNaughton Road West between Major Mackenzie Drive and Falvo Street.
The study will assess operational performance improvements and urbanization of McNaughton Road West, considering the inclusion of sidewalks, cycling facilities, and mid-block and trail crossings to support the connection to the proposed Vaughan Super Trail and Bartley Smith Greenway Trail. These improvements will aim to address capacity and operational needs to accommodate planned growth in the area for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists.
Get involved
Public Information Center 2 took place between April 16 and May 17, 2024 to share information about the proposed improvements – including draft designs and locations for cycling facilities, streetscaping and trail crossings, planned intersection improvements, safety and more. A recording of the virtual meeting, the presentation slides and draft design roll plan are available for review. The PIC 2 Summary Report including comments from the public and responses is now also available for review.
If you have any questions or wish to be added to the mailing list to stay informed about study updates and future engagement opportunities, please contact Anurita Gurukar, City Project Manager, at or Michelle Mascarenhas, Consultant Project Manager, at
If you wish to review information from Public Information Center 1, you may review the presentation slides (PDF) or watch a recording of the virtual meeting. The PIC Summary Report is now available for review online (PDF).
The study area
The study area for this project is McNaughton Road West from Major Mackenzie Drive to Falvo Street.

Additional support regarding accessibility of these documents is available upon request.
McNaughton Road was first built as an access to the City landfill site. As the City experiences rapid growth and development, the area around McNaughton Road has transformed. Some notable changes include:
- Maple Go Station – McNaughton Road connects to the Maple GO station area, which is expected to experience increased use as Metrolinx plans to increase its service to all-day two-way service as part of the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion project. Work on the grade separation of the GO rail line at McNaughton Road (just east of Falvo Street) is currently under review by Metrolinx, amongst other improvements planned for the GO station area.
- McNaughton Road East Improvements – The addition of active transportation facilities along McNaughton Road East from Keele Street to Major Mackenzie Drive.
- Major Mackenzie Drive Improvements – Road reconstruction project including the addition of cycling facilities from Jane to just east of Keele Street, and the addition of a left turn lane at Keele Street.
- Keele Street Improvements – Watermain and sanitary sewer replacement, implementation of sidewalk and cycling facilities and street lighting, Rutherford Road to Teston Road.
As part of the study process, the project team will assess how McNaughton Road West meets the current and future needs for the area and potential improvements to meet those needs.
Additional Resources
Contact information
Anurita Gurukar, P.Eng.
City of Vaughan, Project Manager
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1
T: 905-832-2281, ext. 8330
Michelle Mascarenhas, P.Eng.
HDR Corp., Consultant Project Manager
100 York Blvd. Suite 300
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J7
T: 289-695-4613