Gloria Bucci Vaughan Civic Hero Award
In receiving the Ward 3 Civic Hero Award, Ms. Bucci was cited as an example of the kind of responsible citizenship embodied in the City of Vaughan's Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities.

Gloria Bucci - Ward 3 Civic Hero Award, 2005
Ward 3 resident Gloria Bucci travelled to Africa in 2005 to perform missionary work, and is a member of the White Ribbon Program, the Immaculate Conception Church, and is president of its Catholic Women's League. Ms. Bucci is an executive member of the Woodbridge Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, and a former member of the Father Bressani Catholic High School Council and the Immaculate Conception parent school council.
In receiving the Ward 3 Civic Hero Award, Ms. Bucci was cited as an example of the kind of responsible citizenship embodied in the City of Vaughan's Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities.
The declaration gives residents the right to live in a municipality that safeguards the natural environment, and of the responsibility of citizens to avoid behaviour which threatens the safety, health, or wellness of fellow citizens or the integrity of the natural environment.