Cpl. Paul Osellame Ward 1 Civic Hero Award
Canadian Forces Army Corporal Paul Osellame was named Ward 1 Civic Hero Award in 2009 for embodying the spirit of duty that defines good citizenship, along with his many years of service to his fellow citizens and commitment to ensuring the health and safety of his country.

Cpl. Paul Osellame - Ward 1 Civic Hero Award, 2009
Cpl. Osellame chose the Military Police branch after basic training and has held positions in Barrie, Brandon, Toronto and Afghanistan.
As part of the Royal Canadian Regiment, he was assigned to be part of a Police Observation and Monitoring Liaison Team, living in a compound about 100 kilometres outside Kandahar. He spent a total of seven months in Afghanistan, facing firefights, improvised explosive devices and the constant threat of insurgent attacks on the road outside the compound.