Integrated Urban Water Plan
Planning for Vaughan's future water needs.
As Vaughan’s communities continue to grow, so does the demand on our water infrastructure. Whether it’s running from the tap, draining into sewers or helping to mitigate flooding – do you know how our water, wastewater and stormwater systems are maintained and managed?
The City of Vaughan has completed an Urban Water Plan in September 2024 to provide water, wastewater and stormwater management systems that are safe and reliable for current and future generations. More information regarding this project can be found in the May 8, 2024 Committee of the Whole (Working Session) Report and on the Project Updates page.
The City is responsible for managing stormwater systems, local water distribution and pumping, and local wastewater collection and pumping. The City’s water systems include:
wastewater collection systems, including sewers, manholes and pumping stations.
water distribution systems, including watermains, chambers, valves and booster stations.
drainage collection systems, such as storm sewers, manholes and catch basins.
stormwater management facilities, such as wet and dry ponds, hybrid wetlands, underground storage tanks, infiltration trenches/galleries and oil and grit separator units.
natural heritage features that provide stormwater-related environmental services, such as water quality improvement and water quantity regulation.
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A Class Environmental Assessment Report (EA) was prepared to document the study process, consultation efforts, and the recommended plan. The Notice of Completion placed the report on the public record for review for 30 days, from June 15, 2024, to July 15, 2024. The project was officially completed in September 2024. The Environmental Study Report (ESR) is available can be downloaded on the Project Updates page.