Pavement Management Program

The City of Vaughan maintains approximately 1,200 kilometres of community roads, including making required repairs to existing curbs and sidewalks through the Pavement Management Program. This program helps to preserve Vaughan’s roadways while ensuring safe mobility for all road users.


Work includes the following:


  • The City’s hired contractor will arrange for utility markings prior to any construction activities – the process of identifying and labeling public utility mains with different colours to identify various underground utilities. 
  • Any private sprinkler, landscaping or heated driveway on City property is the property owner’s responsibility for removal and reinstatement.
  • During this time, construction: signs, barrels and cones will be placed where work is scheduled. 



  • The contractor removes and replace the following item(s) within the roadways (City’s property limits) as deemed to be replaced and repair by the City:
    • concrete sidewalks
    • concrete curbs
    • concrete driveways
    • asphalt driveways
    • interlocking driveways
    • roadway asphalt
    • sod (patch of grass)

*Not all above items will be replaced at one time. 


Concrete pouring

  • Once the site is properly prepared, the contractor will pour the concrete on the sidewalk curb or roadway. Once poured, the area will remain closed-off until the concrete allow the cured properly. 



  • Temporary: The contractor will temporarily backfill any areas that were impacted by the work to ensure safe and passable.
  • Permanent: The contractor will restore any asphalt, concrete or interlocking driveways, or grass that was removed during construction.


Asphalt milling 

  • The contractor will remove existing asphalt on a roadway using specialize equipment. There will be irregular surface level along the curb that residents should be cautious when walking across. 


Tack coat placement

  • Tack coat placement, which bonds the new asphalt to the existing asphalt layer, the contractor will place this product on roadways using a truck with rear spray bars that directly apply the tack coat to the road surface. Avoid areas with wet tack coat as the product may track onto your shoes, driveway, or vehicle. 


Asphalt paving 

  • The contractor will pave the roadway that will involve multiple pieces of heavy equipment that driver should be cautious when maneuvering around them.  


Post construction

  • The contractor will remove all signage and construction-related material from the area, once all construction activities are completed.


Frequently Asked Questions


If you received a newsletter in the mail, then your street is apart of the 2024 Pavement Management Program. 


Here is a list of streets in each ward that will be undergoing improvements this summer:

Ward 1

  • Bute Court
  • Cedar Glen Court
  • Forest Heights Boulevard
  • Huntington Road
  • Kipling Avenue (Kleinburg)
  • Kirby Road
  • Old Humber Crescent
  • Pentland Crescent
  • Shalimar Place


Ward 3

  • Carlauren Road
  • Chrislea Road
  • Jevlan Drive
  • Northview Boulevard
  • Roytec Road
  • Silmar Drive
  • Silton Road


Ward 5

  • Anthony Lane
  • Bay Hill Drive
  • Boyne Highlands Court
  • Capilano Court
  • Cherry Hills Road
  • Crooked Stick Road
  • Glen Shields Avenue
  • Harbour Town Court
  • Laurel Valley Court
  • Marita Place 
  • Oakmount Crescent
  • Peachtree Place
  • Point O’Woods Drive
  • Prairie Dunes Place
  • Quaker Ridge Road
  • Royal Colwood Court
  • Shawn Place
  • Torino Place

Although main lines for telecommunication, such as phone, internet and other utilities are located with paint marks before construction, the contractor does not have records on the location of individual service lines. If your property’s service line is accidentally cut during construction, please contact your service provider to notify them. The City is not responsible for its repair.  


You may park on the road during construction. If your driveway is inaccessible, you may leave your car on the road overnight. The City’s By-law department is notified of roadways impacted by construction and are instructed not to issue any tickets. If you received a parking ticket for parking on the road while your driveway was inaccessible due to scheduled City-work, please contact


If you received a parking ticket for parking on the road while your driveway was inaccessible due to scheduled City-work, please contact


The City’s contractor will return to repair any damage to your interlock driveway caused by the removal. The removed interlock or stone will be placed in safe location away from the construction area to be reused for restoration at later date.  


Your waste collection day will not change; however, the pickup time may be impacted by the construction. Please ensure to put your waste curbside no later than 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. 


Contact the City if you have plans to repave your driveway to check whether the sidewalk or curb in front of your home is up for repair. This will prevent the City from damaging and patching your new driveway, should repair work be required.


The City asks the resident living closest to the sod – patch of grass – to water it to ensure its survival, especially during the warmer months. 


If you receive an Illegal Drive Notice from the City, fill out the service application form for Curb Cut and Driveway Widening online. Once filled in, you can submit the application to the City for review and approval. Visit the Curb Cuts and Driveway Widening webpage for more information. 


The contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining the new sod. However, you are encouraged to water it as frequently as possible to ensure root growth and healthy green grass.


The City’s By-law department has been notified of the roadways impacted by construction and staff was instructed not to issue tickets. However, if you are parked contrary to the posted parking prohibitions, or parked within nine metres of any intersection, three metres of a fire hydrant or less than a metre away from any private driveway, you could be ticketed. You can review the City’s Parking By-law 064-2019 at for more information.

Additional Resources


Ward 1


Ward 3


Ward 5


2025 Pavement Management Program


Newsletter No.1


Newsletter No.2