Rabbi Chaim & Chanie Hildeshaim Vaughan Civic Hero Award
Vaughan Council presented Ward 4 residents Rabbi Chaim Hildeshaim and his wife, Chanie Hildeshaim, with the Civic Hero Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the community.

Rabbi Chaim & Chanie Hildeshaim - Ward 4 Civic Hero Award, 2011
"As a City that encourages residents to become involved and engaged, we take pride in knowing that very special citizens are actively working to improve their own community and by extension, improve the quality of life in our City,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “I offer my congratulations to Rabbi Hildeshaim and Chanie Hildeshaim for their leadership and commitment to the community through their work with the Jewish Russian Community Centre and beyond."
Since 2002, Rabbi Hildeshaim and Chanie Hildeshaim have served as directors of the Jewish Russian Community Centre of Thornhill Woods. The community centre, which provides educational programs, spiritual services and community events to the local Jewish community, has expanded its activities to include daily synagogue services, a variety of classes and lectures, and other programs for children and adults.
“This award is recognition of the outstanding work being done by Rabbi Hildeshaim and his wife Chanie in Thornhill," said Ward 4 Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco, who nominated them for the award. “With the Jewish Russian community growing at a fast pace in Ward 4, they continue to respond to the needs of this community. Through their work with the Jewish Russian Community Centre of Thornhill Woods and their outreach to the community through a variety of programs and activities, they exemplify community leadership.”