Ward 3 - Rosanna DeFrancesca
Rosanna DeFrancesca is Ward 3 Councillor for the City of Vaughan.
Councillor responsibilities include making decisions on matters affecting the community and City as a whole, ensuring residents are represented at Council meetings, taking a strategic role in directing municipal goals and priorities, and monitoring the implementation and success of those initiatives.
Rosanna’s professional background includes over 20 years of business management experience in the restaurant, retail and service industries.
She has held positions in human resources, employee management, sales and marketing, customer service and fiscal management. This vast experience has given her the invaluable knowledge and insight needed to help grow and transform the City’s course and administration.
As president and co-founder of the East Woodbridge Community Association, together with her sound management experience, Rosanna has developed a strong understanding of the processes at all levels of government.
Rosanna has been a resident of Ward 3 for nearly 25 years with her three children, Robert, Michael and Julia.
She has developed an Action Plan which will provide Ward 3 and all Vaughan residents with a vision to guide the City’s future direction and positive change.
This plan will focus on:
Fiscal Responsibility - Eliminate wasteful and abusive spending and conduct a review of the tendering and procurement policies.
- Transparent Management - Provide better access to council and staff spending details and accountability of candidate campaign finances.
Tax Reform - Minimize taxes through responsible spending, budgeting and economic growth.
Sustainable Growth - Create low to medium density projects, conduct a further review of the City's Official Plan, and enforce protection and maintenance of our green spaces.
Transit Needs and Traffic Reduction - Advocate for different traffic diversion programs, gain transit and infrastructure investments.
Community Involvement - Engage the community in the decision-making process and have nomination qualification reform for municipal candidates.
Community Safety - Conduct education workshops and provide better access to law enforcement.
Who provides services?
York Region (upper tier) provides | City of Vaughan (lower tier) provides: |
Councillor Ward Boundaries
Ward 3 boundaries are from Teston Road to the north, Highway 400 to the east, Steeles Avenue West to the south and Pine Valley Drive to the west. The shaded grey numbers on the map represent Vaughan Concession Blocks (PDF).

Contact the Councillor
Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca
905-832-2281, ext. 8339
Council Executive Assistant:
Nancy Tamburini
905-832-2281, ext. 8381
Vaughan City Hall, Level 400
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1
Additional Resources
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