Committees and Boards

At the beginning of each term of Council, appointments are made to advisory committees or other bodies that Council is obliged by law to make.

A front view of the office of the City Clerk.

At the beginning of each term of Council, appointments are made to advisory committees or other bodies that Council is obliged by law to make.


Council may also be advised to make appointments to ad hoc committees that Council considers desirable for the effective governance of the City where:

  • it is feasible to define a specific mandate and timeframe for the ad hoc committee to conduct its work
  • there is an absence of staff capacity or expertise on the subject, or there is a specific community of interest with a unique perspective on the proposed mandate
  • there is a need for information gathering and analyses to inform subsequent deliberations at a standing committee of Council.


For more information on how committees operate or how committee selection is made, please refer to the City of Vaughan’s Council-Appointed Advisory Committees policy (PDF).


Statutory and non-statutory committees and boards


If there is a matter on a statutory or non-statutory committee agenda you would like to address, you can request to speak in person or via teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone) live during the meeting. You must provide a valid email and/or phone number to participate in a meeting electronically.


Pre-registration is recommended, which can be completed by:


Deadline: noon on the last business day before the meeting.


2022-2026 Term of Council Recruitment: 

The City of Vaughan has completed its recruitment for the 2022-2026 term.

2022-2026 Term of Council committees and boards

Learn more about each of the 2022-2026 Term of Council committees and boards.


The role of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Council about the requirements and implementation of accessibility standards and the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of accessibility reports as required by the AODA.  

Appointed Council Members: Ward 5 Councillor Gila Martow.

Read the Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).



The role of the Age-Friendly Vaughan Advisory Committee is to make recommendations addressing older adult issues and promoting healthy seniors in Vaughan. This includes recommendations on Vaughan’s Older Adult Recreation Strategy, Vaughan Age-Friendly Community Action Plan and programs and services that make Vaughan a more age-friendly community, where all residents can be active and engaged members of society at every stage of life.

Appointed Council Members: Local and Regional Councillor Mario Ferri (Chair) and Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca.

Read the terms of reference (PDF).


Read more about the Special Advisory Committee.


The role of the Anti-Black Racism Standing Advisory Committee is to provide support to staff in the implementation of the Anti-Black Racism Action Plan and provide a forum for consultation, feedback, and discussion on matters of Anti-Black racism in the city.

Read the terms of reference (PDF).


The objective of the Audit Committee is to assist Council in the discharge of governance, accountability and controllership responsibilities by ensuring risks are being appropriately addressed through strong governance, a risk/control and compliance framework, appropriate stewardship and an effective internal audit activity.


Appointed Council Members: Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca (Chair), Ward 4 Councillor Chris Ainsworth (Vice Chair), Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati and Ward 2 Councillor Adriano Volpentesta.


The Committee of Adjustment is an administrative, statutory tribunal which operates independently and is autonomous from City Council.


It derives its jurisdiction and author from the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 (the ‘Planning Act’), which enables City Council to establish one. The Committee of Adjustment is enabled by the Procedure By-law 069-2019 and is governed by the within Terms of Reference, which are approved by Council.


Specifically, the Committee of Adjustment is intended to hold public hearings for the purposes considering and making decisions with respect to:


  • Minor Variances from the provisions of the Zoning By-law; 
  • Permissions, which include with enlargements or extensions of a structure that may be legally non-conforming, or a change in non-conforming use;
  • Consents; and 
  • Validation of Title and Power of Sale.


The Committee of Adjustment and its application process is separate and distinct from other municipal development approval processes (i.e. Building Code). These processes may run concurrently.


Read the Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference (PDF).


Visit the Committee of Adjustment webpage for more information.


The role of the Creative and Cultural Industries Advisory Committee is to support the Mayor, Council and staff in the establishment of a Vaughan Arts Council and its terms of reference. 

Appointed Council Member: Mayor Steven Del Duca (Chair)

Read the terms of reference (PDF).


Heritage Vaughan is an Advisory Committee established by Council for the purpose of encouraging community involvement and recommendations to Council on the identification, conservation and preservation of buildings and landscapes of cultural heritage value or interest, as individual properties or as heritage conservation districts pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act.

Appointed Council Members: Local and Regional Councillor Mario G. Racco, Ward 1 Councillor Marilyn Iafrate and Ward 4 Councillor Chris Ainsworth.


Read the Terms of Reference (PDF).


The role of the Inclusion and Community Outreach Advisory Committee is to provide support to staff in the implementation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan and shall provide a forum for consultation, feedback and discussion on matters of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and anti-hate in the City.

Appointed Council Members: Councillor Gila Martow (Co-Chair), Councillor Chris Ainsworth (Co-Chair)

Read the terms of reference (PDF).


The mandate of the Intergovernmental Relations Sub-Committee is to advance Council-approved priorities with other government levels and stakeholders, guided by three strategic intergovernmental relations actions: identify, advocate and collaborate.

Appointed Council Members: Regional Councillor Mario Ferri (Chair), Regional Councillor Mario Racco (Vice Chair), Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca

Read the Terms of Reference (PDF)


The Committee considers reports prepared by the City Clerk in respect of campaign contributions which appear to contravene contribution limits as set out in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.


Read the terms of reference (PDF).


The Property Standards Committee hears appeals by registered owners of property who have received a Property Standards Order regarding a component(s) of their property that does not conform to the Property Standards By-law. This Committee is authorized by the Building Code Act and operates according to the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act.


Read the Property Standards Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).


For more information:



Read the terms of reference (PDF).


Visit the Tourism Vaughan webpage for more information.


The purpose of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) Sub-Committee is to make recommendations that create the municipal framework and policy environment, consistent with Vaughan’s broader city-building objectives, which will facilitate significant development of the VMC, including consideration of the following:


1. Planning policies;

2. Infrastructure implementation principles;

3. Requirements related to external approvals iv) Economic development strategy; and

4. Communications/Advocacy


Appointed Council Members: Mayor Steven Del Duca (Chair), Deputy Mayor, Local and Regional Councillor Linda Jackson, Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca, Ward 4 Councillor Chris Ainsworth and Ward 5 Councillor Gila Martow.


Read the Terms of Reference (PDF).


The Vaughan Public Library Board’s purpose is to ensure the delivery of library services to people who live, work or study in Vaughan, as required by the Public Libraries Act. The Library Board provides guidance and oversight to the Vaughan Public Library Executive Management Team and plays a key role in their strategic direction.


Appointed Council Members: Regional Councillor Ferri, Local and Regional Councillor Mario G. Racco, Ward 1 Councillor Marilyn Iafrate, Ward 2 Councillor Adriano Volpentesta and Ward 4 Councillor Chris Ainsworth.


Visit the Vaughan Public Library Board webpage for more information.

Contact Information

Office of the City Clerk

Vaughan City Hall
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1