Bass Pro Mills Drive Extension

The City of Vaughan is extending Bass Pro Mills Drive, between Weston Road and Highway 400!

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment conducted in 2022 determined the extended Bass Pro Mills Drive should feature new signalized intersections, sidewalks, cycling facilities, streetscaping features and more. 


image shows are of Bass Pro Mills Drive future extension between Highway 400 and Weston Road.

The Bass Pro Mills Drive Extension is one of the key infrastructure projects identified in the Council-approved Nine Point Action Plan to Fight Traffic Gridlock in Vaughan. Extending Bass Pro Mills Drive, from Highway 400 to Weston Road, was recommended in the Vaughan Mills Centre Secondary Plan to:

  • provide a new east-west multi-modal connection between Highway 400 and Weston Road. 

  • help alleviate traffic congestion along Rutherford Road. 
  • support future growth and development within the plan area.
  • create new multi-modal transportation connections. 
  • develop a safe and comfortable environment for active transportation users. 


We want your feedback!

The City is hosting an Open House on Monday, April 7 for you to learn more about this project, review designs and speak directly to the project team. Here are the details:

  • Location: Vellore Village Community Centre (1 Villa Royale Ave.)
  • Time: Drop by any time from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Following the Open House, materials will be available on this page to review and provide feedback on.



Infrastructure Delivery department

905-832-2281 ext. 8917