Black Creek Renewal - Design Build
The City of Vaughan is taking an innovative approach to flood control in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre’s (VMC) Black Creek corridor, from Highway 7 to Highway 407.
About the Black Creek Renewal Project
The Black Creek Renewal Project is the City’s new forward-looking action plan to mitigate flooding in the VMC, as development continues in the downtown core. The project enables the City to implement effective flood control measures, enhance the natural heritage system and beautify the public realm through the VMC’s Black Creek area between Highway 7 and Highway 407.
Why is this study important?
In August 2005, significant flooding occurred in the Black Creek corridor, which highlighted the need for significant infrastructure improvements in the area to reduce future flooding, improve transportation and accommodate future development and redevelopment in the VMC.
The Black Creek Renewal Project is in the design phase, and given its complexity, design and construction activities will be delivered in three major components:
construction of Edgeley Pond and Park
replacement of the culvert under Highway 7 at Jane Street
renewal of the Black Creek channel between Highway 7 and Highway 407
The below image highlights the location of each construction activity.

Construction is anticipated to begin later this year and is anticipated to be complete by 2031.
How can I get involved?
The City hosted an in-person Public Information Centre on May 2, thank you to everyone who participated.
Review materials from the Public Information Centre (PDF)
Provide feedback via the online commenting form
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of the environmental assessment was to develop and evaluate potential channel alignments and physical improvements to reduce future flooding, improve transportation and accommodate future development and redevelopment in the downtown VMC.
Benefits of constructing this channel include:
- reduced flooding.
- improved water quality.
- limited stream bank erosion in Black Creek within Vaughan.
Construction is anticipated to begin in 2024.
To remain informed of project updates and upcoming engagement opportunities, send an email to the project team at