Photo Requirements for your Business Licence
To apply for some business licences and permits, applicants must submit a photo with their application. This will be specified within the application.
What Are The Requirements For This Photo?
- You can use a passport photo or take the photo yourself.
- The photo should include your head and shoulders.
- The photo should show a true likeness of you.
- The photo should be in colour, with a light coloured background.
- If you are submitting a paper application, submit a printed photo that was taken in the last 30 days.
- If you are submitting by email or through the online portal, attach a digital photo that was taken in the last 30 days.
How Will This Photo Be Used?
City of Vaughan staff will use this as one tool to verify your identity, such as if a City enforcement officer is conducting an investigation of a business licence or permit in line with a City by-law. Here is an example of a suitable photo, with the exception that the face has been covered.

Contact Information
By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services