VMC Municipal Infrastructure
The City of Vaughan has undertaken several studies to assess what municipal infrastructure improvements and/or modifications to the existing road network, stormwater, water and wastewater services will be required to implement the development objectives outlined in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) Secondary Plan.

Vaughan Metropolitan Centre and Surrounding Areas Transportation Study
This joint York Region and City of Vaughan study, in consultation and partnership with review agencies and stakeholders, builds on the VMC Transportation Plan and further defines the transportation infrastrucutre and implementation strategy to facilitate planned (and potential) development within the VMC and surrounding areas.

Portage Parkway Environmental Assessment Study
This study advances the planning and design for the Portage Parkway widening and easterly extension to Creditstone Road.

VMC Municipal Servicing Class Environmental Assessment Master Plan
The VMC servicing strategy identifies the required improvements and expansions to the City’s watermain, sanitary sewer and stormwater management systems necessary to support planned growth in the VMC.

Black Creek Renewal Class EA
This study identifies the recommended solution for the renewal of the Black Creek system through the VMC Secondary Plan area.