New Subdivision Development
New subdivisions require a process under the City of Vaughan Plan of Subdivision Approval Process. Grading permits for subdivision development must comply with the applicable subdivision agreement, drawings and grading requirements.
Grading permits to be issued by Development Engineering before applying for the associated building permit.
Permit requirements
Project | Permit | Fee |
New subdivision development | Subdivision grading permit | Singles & Semis - $611.80 Street Towns per unit - $372.90 |
Documents required for submission:
**(all documents to be submitted in PDF format)
- Residential grading permit requirements (PDF) – see grading permit requirements
- Agent Authorization Form (PDF) – required if applicant is not the registered homeowner
- Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) approval – if applicable
- Committee of Adjustment approval – if applicable
- Permit fee – includes two drawing reviews. Any additional reviews are subject to a fee as listed Fees and Charges By-law 251-2024 Schedule K (PDF).
Once your grading permit has been issued, please refer to Building Standards for next steps. You may also need a Dewatering Discharge Approval if large amounts of water need to be removed from a site.
Additional Resources
- Deficiencies and resubmission online user guide (PDF)
- Fees and Charges By-law 251-2024 (PDF)
- Homeowner's Guide to Assumption and Lot Grading Deposits (PDF)
- Lot grading notes (PDF)
- Final Lot Grading Certificate (PDF)
- Residential grading permit requirements (PDF)
- Subdivision grading permit online submission user guide (PDF)