Hydro Undergrounding
As part of the work to facilitate future development within the VMC, a new underground utility trench is being constructed to transfer existing overhead hydro lines along the Jane Street corridor.
About the Jane Hydro Undergrounding Project
As part of the work to facilitate future development of the Edgeley Pond and Park within the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, a new underground utility trench is being constructed to transfer existing overhead hydro lines along the Jane Street corridor. Temporary lane closures along the construction zone are required for adjacent boulevard trench work and for two crossings at the Jane Street and Apple Mill Road intersection (one on the north side and one on the south side). Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times during construction.
Why is this project important?
The hydro undergrounding project includes the conversion of the overhead transmission lines to below grade infrastructure fronting the future Edgeley Pond and Park. This underground conversion will allow for a full urban streetscape adjacent to the pond block and enhance the connectivity of the VMC.

Current duct installation by Trans Power Utility Contractors Inc.
To facilitate construction, temporary traffic control staging is required along Jane Street. This will include single lane closures of the northbound curb lane between north of Highway 7 to north of Portage Parkway. Portions of Jane Street northbound and south bound lanes will be shifted and reduced to accommodate construction of crossing trenches, however two-way Jane Street traffic will be maintained at all times.
The impacts described above commenced on September 30, 2024 and will continue to approximately end of the year (December 30, 2024).