John Mifsud Vaughan Civic Hero Award

Ward 3 resident John Mifsud was presented with the City's Civic Hero Award in 2009 in recognition of his commitment to the community and his willingness to help others.


John Mifsud - Ward 3 Civic Hero Award, 2009


Mr. Mifsud began volunteering with Heritage Vaughan in 1993 and served as chair. He has also been involved in the Pine Valley Ratepayers Association and coaching baseball teams in the city.


In 2002, after a City meeting he attended as a volunteer, Mr. Mifsud spotted smoke in the Weston Downs area. It turned out to be a garage fire. On the home's driveway, an elderly woman called for help before fainting. Mr. Mifsud noticed propane gas tanks in the garage and asked a neighbour to call 911. He then used the neighbour's garden hose to extinguish the fire and made sure everyone was safe.