Ellise Gasner Vaughan Civic Hero Award

Ward 5 resident Ellise Gasner was recognized with the City’s Civic Hero Award for her commitment to the environment and her involvement in the Large Household Recycling Program.


Ellise Gasner - Ward 5 Civic Hero Award, 2008


Mrs. Gasner was committed to recycling, but found that with the size of her family she was having difficulty meeting limitations on garbage items as prescribed by the Greening Vaughan Program. She approached the City suggesting other large families in Vaughan may be having similar challenges in complying with the recycling program and inquired about alternatives.


The Large Household Recycling Program was a one-year pilot project which addressed the needs of large households in the City of Vaughan. Households consisting of seven or more people have the opportunity to apply for an exemption to the Greening Vaughan standard program relating to waste and recycling. Upon approval of the exemption, the household receives, free of charge, one additional blue box and green bin and 25 garbage tags.


Mrs. Gasner spoke with other large families and ultimately made a deputation to the Greening Vaughan Advisory Committee, which resulted in a recommendation for a pilot project that was approved by Council.