Robert Brown Vaughan Civic Hero Award

Rob Brown was recognized with the Ward 5 Civic Hero Award for helping enhance his community for over 24 years, and for deeds strengthening his community and making Vaughan a better place to live.

​Robert Brown - Ward 5 Civic Hero Award, 2005


"Rob's efforts to take care of his neighbourhood are what the Civic Hero Award was designed to recognize: the little things that are most often not acknowledged, but are so important in enhancing our civic society," said Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman.


"He's done everything from removing debris from storm sewers that are blocked during heavy rainfalls, to pruning trees to make the street look better and, after heavy snowfalls when his cul-de-sac is blocked with snow, going out to the entrance to the street with his snow blower to open up the street for his neighbours."