Development and Parks Planning
The Development Planning Department is responsible for the planning and general design of the City of Vaughan through the land use planning process.
Land use planning enables the City to establish goals and objectives for growth and development. This is accomplished by having regard for important social issues, together with environmental, and economic considerations which provide for sustainable and healthy communities. Through this process, the interests and objectives of individual property owners are balanced with the greater interests and objectives of the City.
The Development Planning Department focuses on the following four areas of land use planning:
The Development Planning Department reviews and processes Development Applications submitted to the City of Vaughan by landowners seeking permission for a land use change and/or development proposal. This involves analysis and evaluation of the requested land use change and/or development proposal, leading to the preparation of reports for Public Meeting and Committee of the Whole Meetings which includes recommendations for consideration and action by City Council. Please refer to the Development Application Submission Process for more information on Development Applications and Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) requests.
The Planning GIS & Analytics Section of the Development Planning Department is responsible for coordinating, administering and overseeing the development, implementation, maintenance and operation of the Department's Geographic Information System (GIS); PLANit; and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) including the distribution of spatial databases such as Official Plan, Zoning and parcel fabric; municipal addressing; and document management.
Building a great city means bringing together people and coordinating the various components that create the everyday urban fabric. These components consist of the buildings in which we live and work, public spaces in which we gather, move and enjoy, infrastructure, and the environment. Our cultural heritage and cultural landscapes are a legacy that make our city a richer place to live and visit.
Urban Design and Cultural Heritage staff collaborate to build Vaughan as a great city for this generation and future generations, including a remarkable public realm, contributing built form, and sustainable development and infrastructure.
For more information, click on the link below: Heritage Preservation - the Protection of Built Heritage, Heritage Landscapes and Archaeology.
The Development Planning Department also reviews Minor Variances and Consent Applications circulated by the Office of the City Clerk, and provides comments, including recommendations, for consideration and action by the Committee of Adjustment.
For more information on the City of Vaughan's planning process, please click below:
Contact Information
Additional Resources
- Planning Act
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
- Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
- Region of York Official Plan
- TRCA/Planning Services
- Policy Planning and Special Projects (PPSP)
- Vaughan Official Plan 2010
- KPMG Report - Comprehensive Review of Development Review and Policy Formulation Processes