November 15, 2016 - By-laws


By-law Number Description Status Authority
164-2016 A By-law to amend the Consolidated Traffic By-law 284-94, as amended, to govern and control traffic in the City of Vaughan. (Ilan Ramon Boulevard and George Kirby Street) Enacted CW 34(7), October 19, 2016
165-2016 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Tonlu Holdings Subdivision, 19T-05V03, Registered Plan 65M-3911. (Keele Country Properties Limited dated May 4, 2006) Enacted CW 38(15), November 15, 2016
166-2016 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in The Forest Hill of Kleinburg Subdivision, 19T-80002, Registered Plan 65M-3747. (The Forest Hill of Kleinburg Ltd. dated January 6, 2004) Enacted CW 38(16), November 15, 2016
167-2016 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Di Nardo Estates Subdivision, 19T-89056, Registered Plan 65M-4260. Enacted CW 38(17), November 15, 2016
168-2016 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend Parking By-law No. 1-96, as amended, to amend the terms and conditions of visitor parking permits and construction parking permits, and to amend Fees and Charges By-law No. 171-2013, as amended, to include fees for such permits. Enacted CW 34(15), October 19, 2016
169-2016 A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-3992 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.16.008, 19T-03V09, Z.03.089, Vaughan West II Limited, located on the west side of Highway 427 (Regional Road 99), south of Zenway Boulevard, being Block 56 on Registered Plan 65M-3992, in part of Lot 7, Concession 9) Enacted

By-law 195-2015
Council, December 15, 2015

170-2016 A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4489 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.16.009, 19T-10V004, Nashville Developments Inc., located north of Major Mackenzie Drive and east of Huntington Road, specifically Lots 30 to 35 inclusive, 37, 65 to 68 inclusive, 158, 160 to 164 inclusive, 166, 167, 179, 181 to 196 inclusive, 198, 202 to 205 inclusive, 209 to 212 inclusive, 225, 226, 231 and 232 on Registered Plan 65M-4489, in Part of Lots 21 to 23, Concession 9) Enacted By-law 195-2015
Council, December 15, 2015
171-2016 A By-law to authorize a Franchise Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Vaughan and Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. Enacted CW 31(27), September 20, 2016
172-2016 A By‑law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on November 15, 2016. Enacted Council, November 15, 2016