Speak at a Committee meeting


City of Vaughan Committee and Council meetings are held with in-person and virtual attendance options for Members of Council and the public. Public consultation remains a vital part of the planning and city-building process. 

Ways to participate and have your say

Members of the public may participate at the following Committees of Council:

  • Committee of the Whole (1)
  • Committee of the Whole (2)
  • Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting)
  • Committee of the Whole (Working Session)


Methods of participation include:

  1. Written communication
  2. Speak to a matter on the agenda
    1. In person
    2. Teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone)
  3. Present on a matter not listed on the agenda
    1. In person
    2. Teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone)
  4. Contact a Member of Council directly


1. Written Communication

Submit a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item.



  • All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@vaughan.ca.
  • In person communications can be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk at Vaughan City Hall, 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive.


Deadline: 12:00 noon on the last business day before the meeting.


Important Information

Please be aware that any written comments submitted to Committee or Council, including your name, the name of the organization you represent (if applicable) and street address, will become part of the public record and posted on the City’s website, pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The listing of your name in connection with an agenda item may be indexed by search engines like Google.


General Information:

  • Written communications are documents submitted for review by Members of Council or a Committee as part of an item on an agenda.
  • Members of the public can provide written communications to Council meetings and Committee meetings.
  • You can submit a communication without attending the meeting.
  • The communication must be legible on standard letter-size paper (white and single sided).
  • The communication must relate to a matter on the agenda.
  • The communication should clearly state the request or message you wish to convey.
  • The communication should include your name and contact information.


2. Speak to a Matter on the Agenda

If there is a matter on a committee agenda you would like to address, you can request to speak in person or via teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone) live during the meeting. You must provide a valid email and/or phone number to participate in a meeting electronically.


How: Pre-registration is recommended, which can be completed by:


Deadline: 12:00 noon on the last business day before the meeting.


3. Present on a Matter Not on the Agenda

If there is a matter not on a committee agenda you would like to address the Committee, you can request to present in person or via teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone) live during the meeting. You must provide a valid email and/or phone number to participate in a meeting electronically.


How: Pre-registration is required, which can be completed by:


A completed request form and any written communications and/or background information for consideration must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk. All requests will be reviewed by City staff prior to approval. The review will take into consideration the rules and principles of the City’s Procedure by-law.


Deadline: Please refer to the deadlines listed on the Request to Speak to an Item Not on the Agenda.


Important Information

  • Please note that if you speak at a committee meeting, your name and address will appear on the public record, which will be posted online following the meeting.
  • You can only speak to issues related to municipal matters and within the City’s boundaries (outlined in the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25).
  • Matters that relate to other City staff will be directed to those departments.
  • The City Clerk will apply the rules and principles of the City’s Procedure By-law 7-2011 (as amended) when considering your request to address Committee.


Tips for Effective Public Participation at a Committee Meeting

  • Ensure you have all relevant documents and information about the matter you are speaking about.
  • Introduce yourself before you start – provide your name and address.
  • Highlight your key points related to the agenda item or presentation.
  • Remember the time limit – you have five (5) minutes to speak.
  • Address Council through the Chair of the meeting (example: “Through the Chair, I am here today because…”).
  • Larger groups or organizations should appoint a single representative to speak on behalf of everyone.
  • After you have finished speaking or presenting, Members of Council may ask questions. It is common not to receive an immediate answer to your issue(s) at the meeting; it may be referred to other City staff for further information or action.


4. Contact Members of Council

Speaking at a Committee Meeting isn’t the only way to reach Members of Council. You may telephone or email your comments directly to the Member of Council of your choice.