Vaughan Official Plan - Volume 1

The City of Vaughan undertook an ambitious three-year project to create a new Official Plan as part of the City's integrated Growth Management Strategy. On September 7, 2010, Council adopted a new Official Plan, it addresses all elements of effective, sustainable and successful city-building, while managing projected growth to 2031.​

The Vaughan Official Plan 2010 was adopted by the City of Vaughan Council on September 7, 2010 and endorsed with modifications by the Region of York on June 28, 2012. It was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and has subsequently received partial approval by the OMB.


City of Vaughan Official Plan 2010, Volume 1 - Current Office Consolidation, as partially approved by the Ontario Municipal Board:


Volume 1 - Policies

Volume 1 - Schedules - The City of Vaughan makes every effort to ensure that Schedules are free of errors but does not assert that the schedules are spatially, tabularly or temporally accurate. The Schedules are provided by the City of Vaughan without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied



There are outstanding appeals of this Official Plan for some areas in the City of Vaughan. Where there is an outstanding appeal in an area, the schedules of VOP 2010 may not be in effect in respect of those lands. Further information pertaining to the location of outstanding appeals and/or the applicability of the schedules to those areas can be obtained through the City of Vaughan Planning Department or on the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Notices and Decisions section of this website.


VOLUME 1 ARCHIVE - Click here to view the draft plan and additional resources related to the Official Plan, Volume 1.