Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go?

The property tax bill may come in a City of Vaughan envelope, but less than 30 per cent of property taxes go to the City of Vaughan. Here is a breakdown of how residential property taxes are allocated:

  • $0.51 to York Region
  • $0.28 to City of Vaughan
  • $0.21 to Local School Boards (Province of Ontario for education purposes)


These organizations use taxes to pay for services they deliver, such as:

City ServicesRegional servicesprovince of ontario
​Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service​York Regional Police​Education (elementary and secondary schools)
​Public works and road services​Maintenance of major roadways, sewers and bridges
​Snow clearing​Traffic planning on regional roads
​Waste management​Regional waste disposal
​Vaughan Public Libraries​Public health services
​Parks and sports field operationsSocial assistance
​Infrastructure replacementSocial housing
​Recreation​Transit services (YRT, VIVA buses)
​Maintenance of City facilities
​City planning and development
​By-law and compliance

What do your tax dollars pay for?

In 2025, the City of Vaughan will fund approximately $441.9 million in gross expenditures on delivering property tax-supported programs and services and maintaining City infrastructure (buildings and roads). This is how each tax dollar is allocated among City departments:

  • $0.23 are used to maintain parks, streets and traffic lights, clear roads during the winter and deliver waste collection services. This includes delivering windrow services and cutting grass in parks.
  • $0.14 are used to mitigate emergencies, ensure fire code compliance and promote the prevention, education and preparedness for emergency situations to help keep residents safe.
  • $0.14 are used by Legal Services and the Office of the City Clerk to support the delivery of corporate services. This includes running Council meetings and consulting on procurement and construction matters.
  • $0.11 are used for Infrastructure Development which places the City of Vaughan in a better position to approach major capital projects from start to finish.
  • $0.11 are used for recreation programs, animal services and by-law management. This includes teaching swimming classes and returning lost pets to their owners.
  • $0.10 are used for long-term financial management tools, including contributions to infrastructure reserves that support the maintenance of the City’s assets in a good state of repair and repayment of the City’s annual debt servicing costs.
  • $0.07 are used to manage the growth of the city. This includes reviewing building applications and creating growth plans.
  • $0.06 are used by Vaughan Public Libraries to improve services. This includes buying new books, videos and magazines and updating software in the creation spaces.
  • $0.04 are used to fulfil Council’s priorities by the Office of the City Manager, City Council, Internal Audit and the Office of the Integrity Commissioner. This includes communicating City news, events and public engagement opportunities to residents and ensuring procedures are followed.

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