Launch Shuttle Services
- Shuttle services connecting residents and employees to major transit stations or stops enables convenient access to rapid transit options.
- Shuttles service areas are commonly areas that are not easily accessible by transit and are not intended to replicate transit services.
- Shuttle services are typically offered when one of the following conditions is met:
- Proposed development generates significant demand for a shuttle service (e.g. large residential development located outside of walking distance from a major transit station)
- Walking distances to nearest transit stop/commercial centre are significant (e.g. industrial business park);
- Travel patterns are not aligned with transit routes; or
- Employee shift times are outside of transit service hours.
- Provide shuttle services free of charge to residents and/or employees where there is significant demand for a shuttle service.
- Post shuttle schedules, frequency, and hours at shuttle stops.
Option 1:
- Offer peak-hour shuttle service to major transit stations.
Option 2:
- Offer 15-minute or better service during peak hours, and 30- minute or better service during off-peak hours to major transit stations.
Option 3:
- Offer 7.5-minute or better service during peak hours, and 30- minute or better service during off-peak hours to major transit stations.
Development Review
- The applicant shall submit conceptual service plan memorandum describing the hours of operation, stop location(s), routes, headways, marketing activities, and service partners (e.g. pointA) as a condition of the applicable development agreement and/or through a letter of credit.
- The applicant shall submit a copy of the operating agreement with the shuttle service provider as part of the monitoring program and follow-up report.
- The applicant shall submit a site plan, site plan drawing, concept plan, engineering submission, or other applicable document that shows the location of proposed pick-up and drop-off locations of the shuttle service.
- City of Vaughan staff shall review the proposed locations and conceptual service plan and provide a recommendation for either approval or modifications to meet City requirements.
Monitoring and Reporting
- Submit completed monitoring survey results to the City of Vaughan at the required intervals, highlighting number of shuttle service users.
York Region Required
Character Areas
Group 1
Group 2
Other Zones
Land Uses
Typical Cost
4 to 14
Additional Resources
Development Engineering