Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The City of Vaughan has updated and installed 60 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) devices throughout City facilities in open, public-access spaces.

The AEDs are located in Vaughan City Hall, community centres, libraries, the Joint Operations Centre, heritage sites and the City Playhouse Theatre. The City is committed to fostering a safe environment for the public and staff in facilities that are equipped to help respond quickly and efficiently to cardiac emergencies. Public access to AEDs in facilities gives victims of cardiac arrest an increased chance of survival in the eventof cardiac emergency.

What is an AED?

An AED is a portable device used to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a serious medical emergency when the heart stops beating. Eight in 10 cardiac arrests happen in the home or in a public place. After calling 9-1-1, the combination of CPR and the use of an AED can increase the likelihood of saving a person’s life by 75 per cent or more over CPR alone*.


If necessary, an AED will deliver an electric shock to the heart providing an opportunity for it to start beating again. These devices are safe, easy to use, and can be used effectively by medical and non-medical personnel to help save lives. When used in conjunction with CPR during a cardiac arrest, these devices can increase the odds of survival.


Why are AEDs important?

Being ready to respond with the right equipment can help save a life. In the event of a cardiac emergency at a City facility, after calling 9-1-1, all visitors and staff will have access to one of 60 AED units and can respond quickly to help.


Each AED unit comes equipped with an step-by-step instructions, a pair of gloves, scissors, razor, sanitation wipes and facemask barrier with a filter for CPR.


*Source: Heart and Stroke Foundation

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