Community Planting

Approved projects under the Community Planting Fund will help to enhance the health, resilience and sustainability of Vaughan’s natural environment through the creation or improvement of greenspaces and/or wildlife habitat.


Community planting projects support the City’s commitment to the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge and implement actions in Green Direction Vaughan.

Pollinator Week

As well, by participating in a community planting event, you have the opportunity to be a Green Guardian of your city. Green Guardians is the City of Vaughan’s environmental sustainability program, where citizens are encouraged to get involved with events and activities that promote environmental stewardship and keep Vaughan safe, clean and beautiful.


We are no longer accepting applications for the 2025 Community Planting Fund. Eligibility and requirements for 2026 projects is listed below.

Required documents:

  1. Online application form
  2. Project Cost Form
  3. Before photos (minimum 2)
  4. Overhead view of site
  5. Sketch, map or plan detailing the work to be completed
  6. Letter from property owner giving permission, if applicable

Our Green Guardians

Thank you to our partners who have helped to enhance the health, resilience and sustainability of Vaughan’s natural environment!

  • Angela Grella - Chancellor Community Park Pollinator Garden and Vellore Village Community Centre Pollinator Garden (in collaboration with St. Jean de Brebeuf CHS)
  • Maple Lions Club - Ramsay Armitage Park Pollinator Garden
  • Guardian Angels CES, Blooms and Buzz Committee - Pollinator Garden
  • Guardian Angels CES, Environmental Action Committee - Pollinator Garden
  • St. Jean de Brebeuf CHS - Indigenous Education Pollinator Garden
  • Woodbridge Pollinator Group - Doctors McLean District Park Pollinator Garden and various milkweed plantings

Eligibility and Requirements

Eligible Projects and Locations

Eligible Projects

Only one application per individual or community group will be funded in any given year. Eligible projects include:

  1. Pollinator gardens
  2. Rain gardens
  3. Species-at-risk habitat creation


Eligible Locations

All projects or initiatives must take place within the City of Vaughan on City-owned property or a publicly accessible area on private property (i.e. schools) and limited to one location per application.

  • Examples of City-owned property include public park spaces (both active and passive), pedestrian pathways (open space trails and greenways); and open space areas.
  • Examples of private property include pathways, front entrance areas, outdoor areas designed for programming or educational purposes and other open space areas.


Pre-approved locations (upon availability) for consideration:

  • Chatfield District Park (100 Lawford Rd., Woodbridge)
  • Concord/Thornhill Regional Park (299 Racco Way, Thornhill)
  • Dufferin District Park (1441 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill)
  • Mackenzie Glen District Park (220 Cranston Park Ave., Maple)
  • Matthew District Park (220 Cranston Park Ave., Woodbridge)
  • North Maple Regional Park (11085 Keele St., Maple)
  • North Thornhill District Park (300 Pleasant Ridge Ave., Thornhill)
  • Sonoma Heights Community Park (100 Sunset Ridge, Woodbridge)

Eligible Applicants and Project Assessment

  1. Neighbourhood groups, volunteer groups, local organizations, school boards, faith-based groups and non-profit organizations are eligible to receive services in kind for proposed projects on City property.

    1. An application form with a preferred planting date, a sketch, map or plan detailing the work to be completed and a list of plant species, a maintenance plan from Spring to Fall on an annual basis, a budget with estimated list of costs to deliver the project, and before photos of the site must be submitted.
    2. Upon application review and approval, the City will prepare the site and purchase materials, based on the submitted application. The group will be required to attend on the agreed upon date to plant the garden/implement the project, and provide maintenance following project implementation


  2. Local organizations, school boards, faith-based groups, non-profit organizations and other groups with a formal structure are eligible to receive funding for proposed projects on other publicly accessible property. Groups must demonstrate evidence of a governing board/board of directors.
    1. An application form with a preferred planting date, a sketch, map or plan detailing the work to be completed and a list of plant species, a maintenance plan from Spring to Fall on an annual basis, a budget with estimated list of costs to deliver the project, and before photos of the site must be submitted. If applicable, a letter from the property owner giving permission to plant on the land specified is also required.
    2. Upon application review, the City will provide a formal approval and the group will be required to purchase materials, prepare the site, and implement the project based on the application.
    3. Upon receipt of a project report, the City will reimburse the group for eligible project expenses.

Funding Details and Eligible Expenses

  • A maximum of $3,000 is available per ward per year. Only one application per group will be funded in any given year.
  • Funds will be granted, as a reimbursement, for eligible expenses.
  • Funds will be utilized by City staff to purchase applicable materials for projects on City-property, including expenses incurred by the City for ex. topsoil, plant materials and labour costs. City staff will provide watering services if requested.
  • Ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of the applicant.
  • All applications will be assessed after the application deadline, to determine how funds are allocated. Please review Key Dates below for a schedule of the application process.


Eligible Expenses

  • Greening materials (100%): trees, shrubs, plants and other forms of greenscaping
  • Site preparation (<25%): roto-tilling, mowing, invasive species removal, competition control
  • Wildlife habitat enhancement (<50%): construction materials for wildlife habitat structures including but not limited to: bird/bat/butterfly boxes, nesting platforms, basking logs, etc.
  • Other (<20%): mulch, mulch mats, soil amendments, tree guards, gloves, planting tools, refreshments for event


For pollinator garden projects, a standard City sign will be included in the garden. Please include a set cost of $150.00 for this sign in the submitted budget through the application. The sign may be designed to include the group logo, if applicable.


Project Requirements

  • All planting projects should consider drought-tolerant, native plants and pollinator species. All designs, proposed locations and species lists are subject to approval by the application review team.
  • It is recommended that applicants consider locations near a water source/connection for the ongoing watering by the applicant. However, City staff will provide watering services, if requested.
  • Projects must be completed and a Project Report submitted, including final photos and copies of all associated receipts for materials and services, by year-end. Where applicable, the City will provide the reimbursement funds upon submission of a completed Project Report.
  • Projects must include an ongoing annual maintenance and a monitoring plan, to be provided by the applicant/group.
  • Projects must demonstrate measurable results (e.g., area planted, number of trees/shrubs/wildflowers planted, number of volunteers engaged).
  • If groups no longer wish to participate in the program, the project may be removed, and the site returned to previous conditions.
  • Where assistance (i.e. mulching, roto-tilling) from the City of Vaughan Parks, Forestry and Horticulture Operations department is to be provided, dates and times will be coordinated and scheduled throughout the year to best fit with the department’s operational requirements.

Application Process and Key Dates

  1. Please review and complete the Community Planting Fund Application Form.
  2. Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
    a. Maximum visibility and impact to the surrounding neighbourhood.
    b. Ongoing maintenance commitment by the group.
    c. Location must be on City-owned property or a publicly accessible area on private property (i.e. schools). Written authorization from the property owner is required.
    d. Safe access during installation and for on-going maintenance.
  3. Upon approval, the project lead or steward representing the group will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding. For projects on City property, each person participating in the project will be required to sign a release of liability form.
  4. In addition to the completed application form, which is submitted online, applicants must email with the following supplementary documents:
    b. Budget with estimated list of costs to deliver your project. Use the Community Planting Project Costs template.
    c. If applicable, a letter from property owner giving permission to plant on the land specified; for school projects, support from the principal is required.
    d. Before photos (minimum 2) of your site.
    e. Overhead view of the proposed project site.
    f. Sketch, map or plan detailing the work to be completed and a list of plant species. Please refer to our approved species list for plants, shrubs and trees.


Key Dates


Please contact the City of Vaughan at if you wish to submit an application but the deadline has passed. Late submissions may be accepted provided funds are still available.



In acknowledgement of the approved applicant's/group's stewardship work, the City will:

  • Promote the group and project on the City’s social media platforms, the Green Guardians webpage and in other forms of public communication, where applicable.
  • Install recognition signage on site during, and for some time after, execution of the project and event.
  • If applicable, permanent educational signage installed at the project site will include a recognition by way of group name and/or logo.



By participating in the Green Guardians Program, applicants and/or volunteers agree to waive any and all claims that the applicant and/or volunteers has or may have in the future against the City of Vaughan and to release the City of Vaughan from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury including death that the applicant and/or volunteers may suffer or that next of kin may suffer as a result of participating in the Green Guardians Program.


For projects on City property, each person participating in the project will be required to sign a release of liability form.

Approved Native Species Lists


Common NameScientific Name
Common YarrowAchillea millefolium
Anise HyssopAgastache foeniculum
Nodding onionAllium cernuum
Wild ChivesAllium schoenoprasum
Pearly EverlastingAnaphalis margaritacea
Canada AnemoneAnemone canadensis
Arctic DaisyArcthanthemum arcticum
Wild ColumbineAquilegia canadensis
Common MilkweedAsclepias syriaca
Swamp MilkweedAsclepias incarnata
Butterfly MilkweedAsclepias tuberosa
Smooth AsterAster laevis
New England AsterAster novae-angliae
Marsh MarigoldCaltha palustris
TurtleheadChelone glabra
Black SnakerootCimicifuga
Lance-leaved TickseedCoreopsis lanceolata
BunchberryCornus canadensis
Showy Tick TrefoilDesmodium
Narrow-leaf ConeflowerEchinacea angustifolia
Pale Purple Coneflower Echinacea pallida
Purple ConeflowerEchinacea purpurea
Joe Pye WeedEupatorium maculatum
Wild GeraniumGeranium maculatum
Grandpa's WhiskersGeum triflorum
SneezeweedHelenium autumnale
Woodland SunflowerHeliopsis divaricatus
False SunflowerHeliopsis helianthoides
Blue Flag IrisIris versicolor
Dense Blazing StarLiatris spicata
Ontario Blazing StarLiatris cylindracea
Rough Blazing StarLiatris aspera
Cardinal FlowerLobelia cardinalis
Great Blue LobeliaLobelia siphilitica
Bee BalmMonarda didyma
Evening PrimroseOenothera biennis
Hairy BeardtonguePenstemon hirsutus
Cutleaf ConeflowerRudbeckia laciniata
Golden RagwortSenecio aureus
Zigzag GoldenrodSolidago canadensis
Stiff GoldenrodSolidago rigida



Common NameScientific Name
Big Blue StemAndropogon
Side Oats GramaBouteloua curtipendula
Blue GramaBouteloua gracilis
Bebb's SedgeCarex bebbii
Fox SedgeCarex vulpinoidea
Tufted Hair Grass Deschampsia
Little BluestemSchizachyrium
Prairie DropseedSporobolus heterolepis
Sweet GrassHierochloe odorata
Switch GrassPanicum Virgatum


Common NameScientific Name
ServiceberryAmelanchier canadensis
Black ChokecherryAronia melanocarpa
New Jersey TeaCeanothus americanus
Red osier DogwoodCornus sericea
Bush HoneysuckleDiervilla lonicera
Shrubby St. John's WortHypericum prolificum
Long-beaked WillowSalix Rostrata
Smooth SumacRhus glabra
NannyberryViburnum lentago
WitherodVibrunum cassinoides
Highbush CranberryViburnum trilobum
False IndigoAmorpha fruticosa
American ElderberrySambucus canadensis
MeadowsweetSpiraea alba