VMC Secondary Plan Project Updates

The City of Vaughan has retained a consulting team led by Gladki Planning Associates and supported by DTAH, Greenberg Consultants and Parcel Economics to undertake the VMC Secondary Plan update. The study began in September 2020 and is anticipated to be complete by early to mid 2025.

Phase one

As part of phase one, a comprehensive review of existing policies, initiatives, development studies and background reports was undertaken to understand the VMC’s opportunities and challenges. In November 2020, the public was invited to participate in an online survey to share their thoughts and experiences within the VMC and provide ideas about the area’s future. As a result, the project vision and guiding principles were established. Phase one was completed and presented to the VMC Sub-Committee in March 2021. Here is a summary of phase one:


Phase two

During phase two, the public was invited to attend a live, virtual community meeting in May 2022 and participate in an online idea-generating exercise to address the opportunities and challenges identified in phase one by gathering feedback on two different land use options. Phase two was completed and presented to the VMC Sub-Committee in June 2022. Here is a summary of phase two:


Phase three

During phase three, the City hosted an in-person open house on September 14, 2023 which also included virtual online comment forms and digital forums. The draft framework was presented to the public, landowners, and additional stakeholders. Here is a summary of the feedback that was received in phase three:


Phase four

The project is now in phase 4, which involves the development of a draft Secondary Plan for VMC, which implements a planning framework with minimum heights and densities without prescribed maximums. An opportunity for the public to review the draft Secondary Plan and provide feedback will be scheduled in early 2025. More details will be added to this webpage once scheduled.


Project Timeline

Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Secondary Plan Update Timeline Graphic