Yonge-Steeles Urban Design Study and Streetscape Plan

Yonge-Steeles Corridor


The Yonge Steeles Corridor Secondary Plan (2010) was adopted by Vaughan Council in 2010 and York Region Council in 2016. It was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) and following OLT settlements and resolutions, an amended Secondary Plan came into effect in August 2022. The study area is located on the west side of Yonge Street and the north side of Steeles Avenue between Yonge Street and Palm Gate Boulevard. The two segments along the west side of Yonge Street are between Steeles Avenue West and Arnold Avenue and between Thornhill Golf Course lands and Highway 407, divided by the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District.


Study area map (PDF)


Key objectives of this study include:

  • developing an understanding of the area context
  • taking a comprehensive approach to public realm design that considers sustainability, resilience and well-being
  • integrating with work already completed as part of the Secondary Plan
  • establishing a framework to guide the urban design of the area as new development occurs 


The Yonge-Steeles Urban Design Study and Streetscape Plan is a reference document for the City and developers to help guide public and private development within the study area. The study promotes:

  • design excellence for existing and new developments within the area
  • spaces that inspire the community to gather and come together
  • safe and accessible opportunities for people to walk and cycle to and through the area
  • access to open spaces
  • transit-supportive developments  


The Yonge-Steeles Corridor accommodates public transit services when the Yonge Subway Line’s future extension on Yonge Street is fully implemented. Yonge Street serves as a vital link to the City of Toronto and throughout York Region, with major subway station hubs that contribute to its evolution from a car-oriented street to a vibrant, urban destination that is well-connected to the larger community.


The Yonge-Steeles Corridor Urban Design Study and Streetscape Plan Study: 

  • created a design framework and guideline for the public space in and around the Yonge and Steeles area, ensuring development applications are equipped to keep with the vision and principles established in the Yonge-Steeles Corridor Secondary Plan.
  • developed a streetscape plan that includes cross-sections for all streets within the study area and provided a framework for the layout and design of public and private streetscapes – including anything streetscape-related in compliance with the Council-approved City-Wide Streetscape Implementation Manual and Financial Strategy (2014).
  • ensured an implementation and phasing strategy that includes operations and maintenance costing for the streetscape plan to allow City staff to determine streetscape capital implementation funding strategies and cost-sharing opportunities.
  • recommended urban design and streetscape policies be incorporated into the Yonge-Steeles Corridor Secondary Plan.


Project Updates

​The Yonge-Steeles Urban Design Study and Streetscape Plan took place in three phases:


1.     Development of design framework


2.     Streetscape plan

  • Develop concrete plans and strategies to support the vision
  • Develop and test alternative streetscape design concepts
  • Engagement activities, including a virtual Public Open House and Technical Advisory Committee meeting 


3.     Implementation and phasing

  • Work with costing consultant to develop costs for implementation of the streetscape plan
  • Engagement activities, including the second stakeholder workshop, a third Technical Advisory Committee meeting and a presentation to Vaughan Council


Get involved

The City of Vaughan values the voice of the public and is dedicated to having constructive dialogue with community members. Feedback from citizens and stakeholders is essential in the development of a comprehensive urban design study and streetscape plan that reflects community needs and interests and is grounded in safety, accessibility, sustainability, vibrancy and functionality.


Opportunities were provided for stakeholders and members of the public to get involved, provide input and share comments throughout the study: 



Contact Information

Development Planning

Shirley Marsh, Urban Design Project Manager

Phone: 905-832-2281, ext. 8561

Email: shirley.marsh@vaughan.ca