Sherwood Park Drive area traffic calming feasibility review
Share your thoughts on traffic calming measures in the Sherwood Park Drive area.
The City of Vaughan is exploring traffic calming measures and physical features to help address the needs of residents who live on Sherwood Park Drive, Wedgewood Place and Alberta Drive and business owners in the commercial plaza at Keele Street and Rutherford Road.
To date, several traffic calming measures have been implemented in the area, including physical curb extensions and roadway markings, radar message boards, a speed limit reduction and a turn restriction pilot on Rutherford Road.
Following a feasibility review of various traffic calming measures and physical features, the City and York Region have identified several measures – changes to the median on Keele Street, stop bumps and speed cushions – for the community to consider and comment on.
Traffic calming measures are physical features and road designs that can contribute to the:
- reduction of traffic volumes.
- reduction of vehicular speeds.
- reduction of the number and severity of collisions.
- improvement of pedestrian and cyclist safety.
- improvement of the quality of the environment.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Sherwood Park Drive area traffic calming feasibility online survey. The survey closed on Friday, Feb. 14. The results of the survey will be published here once the responses have been analyzed.
Using feedback from this public consultation process, the City, in collaboration with York Region, will implement either a pilot program or a permanent approach in the area.