Safe Trails and Parks
The City of Vaughan’s Parks By-law 134-95 (PDF), and its amendments, are part of the City of Vaughan’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all who live, work and play in Vaughan.
While in any park, citizens must be respectful of others enjoying the park, the environment and City property. Here are a few tips to make your visit to Vaughan’s parks and trails fun, and laws you should know to stay safe.
While in parks, citizen shall not:
- use firearms or weapons
- climb any building, structure or equipment, unless it is equipment designed for climbing
- damage any part of any trees, other vegetation or any building, structure, equipment, or other property of the municipality
- dump or drain any garbage, liquid or other material
- disturb, or allow their pet to disturb, any wildlife
- consume, possess, serve or sell alcoholic beverages
- encroach on park lands by allowing their personal property to cross on to public property
Bike riding
Ride on designated paths and do not exceed 20 kilometres/hour.
Keep dog on a leash, unless in a designated off-leash area. Be sure to pick up after them and place droppings in a garbage bin.
Campfires and barbecues
Use only in designated areas and with a Fire Burn Permit from the City. For more information about a permit, visit or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281.
Fireworks are not permitted in any parks without a permit and never on city streets or boulevards. For more information about fireworks, visit
Off-road vehicles
Off-road vehicles are not permitted in parks, woodlots, open spaces, or any roads and highways within the city of Vaughan. The use of illegal off-road vehicles in parks and forests is not only dangerous for pedestrians, it also disturbs natural habitats.
The owner and/or operator of an off-road vehicle driving in unpermitted areas can be charged and convicted of an offence under the Off-Road Vehicles Act, Highway Traffic Act, Insurance Act, Trespass to Property Act and City of Vaughan by-laws.
Reporting a non-emergency activity
Residents and visitors can help by reporting non-emergency activity occurring illegally in parks, woodlots and open spaces to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or York Regional Police (YRP) at 1-866-876-3423.
Please provide as much of the following information as possible:
- Park name and location of sighting
- Date and time of occurrence
- Identifiable marks of the off-road vehicle (colour, size, make)
- Licence plate number
- Street name of where the vehicle is coming from
- Number of vehicles and riders
- Physical description of person riding
Off-road vehicles can be driven outside of Vaughan on approved trails and private property. Please visit the Ontario Federation of Trail Riders for approved trails in Ontario.
What to do if you are stopped
If you are stopped by YRP, the City of Vaughan or Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), you must provide identification. Offences include, but are not limited to:
- Operating a motorized recreational vehicle in a park
- Using a public facility or public land in a manner other than its lawful intended use
- Damaging plants and park property
- Emitting noise from a combustion engine
- Driving carelessly
- Operating an unregistered vehicle
- Operating without insurance
Safe trails and parks partners

Vaughan By-Law and Compliance

Vaughan Fire and Rescue

York Regional Police

Ontario Federation of Trail Riders

York Region

Toronto and Region Conservation for the Living City