April 11, 2018 - By-Laws


048-2018 A By-law to establish a Compliance Audit Committee for compliance audit applications received during the 2018 to 2022 Term of Council. Enacted CW 10(6), March 20, 2018
049-2018 A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Licence Agreement between the City of Vaughan and Mr. Peter Orr to permit farming on City-owned lands. Enacted CW(Closed) 13(1), April 11, 2018
050-2018 A By-law to regulate permits and inspections for construction, demolition and change of use under the Building Code Act, 1992 S.O. 1992, Chapter 23, and to set out fees that will be charged for permits. Enacted FAA 4(2), April 11, 2018
051-2018 A By-law to amend Sign By-laws 203-92 and 178-2003, as amended, to include a registration fee for third-party election signs. Enacted CW(WS) 4(2), January 30, 2018
052-2018 A By-law to regulate the planting, maintenance and removal of trees on public and private property in the City of Vaughan and to repeal By-law Nos. 258-83, 95-2005, 185-2007, and 205-2007. Enacted CW 10(2), March 20, 2018
053-2018 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Red Shelf Subdivision Phase 1, 19T-00V05, Registered Plan 65M-3910. (Red Shelf Corporation dated April 21, 2006) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
054-2018 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Red Shelf Corporation Subdivision Phase 2 and Phase 2A, 19T-00V05, Registered Plan 65M-4111 and 65M-4212. (Red Shelf Corporation dated September 4, 2008 (65M-4111) and August 9, 2010 (65M-4212)) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
055-2018 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Vellore Park Holdings Phase 1 Subdivision, 19T-00V10, Registered Plan 65M-3914. (Vellore Park Holdings Inc. dated May 10, 2006) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
056-2018 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Vellore Park Holdings Subdivision Phase 2 and Phase 2A, 19T-00V10, Registered Plan 65M-4107 and 65M-4213. (Vellore Park Holdings Inc. dated June 17, 2008 (65M-4107) and September 15, 2010 (65M-4213)) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
057-2018 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Country Wide Homes (1213 Teston Road) Subdivision, 19T-10V01, Registered Plan 65M-4304 and repeal By-law 036-2018. (2216840 Ontario Inc. dated October 18, 2011) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
058-2018 A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4588 from the provisions of Part Lot Control.  (PLC.18.005, Skystar Holdings Inc., located on Gridiron Gate, in the vicinity of Major Mackenzie Drive and Weston Road.) Enacted Delegation By-law 005-2018
059-2018 A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88. (Nashville Developments (North) Inc., 19T-16V010, Z.16.052, located east of Huntington Road and south of Nashville Road, in Part of Lot 24, Concession 9) Enacted CW 31(4), September 26, 2017
060-2018 A By-law to appoint a Clerk for The Corporation of the City of Vaughan. Enacted CW(Closed) 13(2), April 11, 2018
061-2018 A By‑law to amend By-law Number 171-2013 to provide for fees and charges under the Municipal Act. Enacted CW 10(2), March 20, 2018
062-2018 A By-law to regulate Noise. Enacted CW 14(22), April 11, 2018
063-2018 A By‑law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on April 11, 2018. Enacted April 11, 2018