April 19, 2017 - By-laws


By-law Number Description Status Authority
033-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend Parking By-law No. 1-96, as amended, to remove a no-parking restriction on the east side of Islington to increase short-term visitor parking in the Kleinburg Village area, and to implement a parking prohibition on the south side of Woodbridge Avenue, between Clarence and Islington to improve traffic flow. Enacted CW 2(3), January 24, 2017,
CW 6(2), February 21, 2017
034-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan regulating Encroachments on Public Lands, to repeal By-law Number 054-2016. Enacted CW 10(8), March 21, 2017
035-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend Consolidated Licensing By-law No. 315-2005, as amended, to establish Refreshment Vehicle Event Licences and to amend Parks By-law No. 134-95, as amended, to allow for vending in parks where there is a Special Event Permit in place. Enacted CW 10(7), March 21, 2017
036-2017 A By-law to amend the Consolidated Traffic By-law 284-94, as amended, to govern and control traffic in the City of Vaughan. (All-way Stop, Poetry Drive, Chatfield Drive) Enacted CW 13(22), April 19, 2017
037-2017 A By-law to assume Municipal Services in Royal Corporate Business Park Subdivision, 19T-87084, Registered Plan 65M-3033. Enacted CW 13(6), April 19, 2017
038-2017 A By-law to amend Consolidated Licensing By-law No. 315-2005, as amended, to make a number of technical amendments to improve customer service, streamline administrative processes, eliminate redundancies, and support legislative changes, and to amend Fees and Charges By-law No. 171-2013, as amended, to introduce a re-inspection fee. Enacted CW 13(9), April 19, 2017
039-2017 A By-law to exempt parts of Plan 65M-4488 from the provisions of Part Lot Control. (PLC.17.001, 19T-04V06, Z.04.018, Part of Lot 2, Concession 9, Glen-Huntington Business Park Limited, Located east of Regional Road 50, west of Highway #427, north of Highway #407, being Part Block 2, Plan 65M-4488, Parts 9 10 11 and 12 on 65R-36725, subject to easement in gross over Part 12 65R-36725 as in YR2382309) Enacted Delegation By-law
040-2017 A By-law to rescind By-law 028-2017. Enacted Delegation By-law
041-2017 A By-law to amend City of Vaughan By-law 1-88. (Nulook Developments Inc., Z.11.034, 19T-15V013, west side of Dufferin Street, north of Teston Road, municipally known as 10820 Dufferin Street, in Part of Lot 26, Concession 3) Enacted CW 43(19), December 13, 2016
042-2017 A By‑law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on April 19, 2017. Enacted Council,
April 19, 2017