

160-2017 A By-law to amend By-law Number 40-2009 to provide for fees and charges under the Planning Act for Committee of Adjustment applications. Enacted FAA 8(6), September 26, 2017
161-2017 A By-law to authorize the temporary closing of a certain highway in the City of Vaughan. (Clarence Street, Wycliffe Avenue) Enacted CW 35(7), October 24, 2017
162-2017 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Vaughan to amend Delegation By-law No. 195-2015, as amended, to provide the delegated authority to the Director of By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services and Chief Licensing Officer, to approve agreements respecting the enforcement of the City’s Parking By-law with entities other than private security companies. Enacted

CW 44(18), December 11, 2017

163-2014 A By-law to amend the Consolidated Traffic By-law 284-94 as amended, to govern and control traffic in the City of Vaughan. (Sweetriver Boulevard, Rutherford Road to Komura Road/Carrillo Street) Enacted CW 39(7), November 21, 2017
164-2017 A By-law to amend the Consolidated Traffic By-law 284-94, as amended, to govern and control traffic in the City of Vaughan. (Lormel Gate and Trudeau Drive) Enacted CW 39(9), November 21, 2017
165-2017 A By-law to permit the establishment of a Lobbyist Registry. Enacted CW(WS) 37(1), October 24, 2017
166-2017 A By-law to amend By-law 7-2011 (Procedure By-law) which governs the proceedings of Council and Committees of Council. Enacted CW 44(10), December 11, 2017
167-2017 A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between Ivanhoe Cambridge II Inc. and the City of Vaughan. Enacted CW(Closed) 43(10), December 11, 2017
168-2017 A By-law to impose a Tariff of Fees for the processing of Planning Applications and to repeal By-law Number 173-2013, being a prior by-law imposing a Tariff of Fees for Planning Applications. Enacted FAA 8(6), September 26, 2017
169-2017 A By-law to amend the Consolidated Traffic By-law 284-94 as amended, to govern and control traffic in the City of Vaughan.  (Millway Avenue, Portage Parkway, Regional Road 7, Bus Terminal Driveway) Enacted FAA 5(7), May 16, 2017
170-2017 A By-law to adopt Amendment Number 20 to the Vaughan Official Plan 2010 for the Vaughan Planning Area. (City of Vaughan, northeast quadrant of the intersection at Kipling Avenue and Highway 7)


CW 44(2), December 11, 2017
171-2017 A By‑law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on December 11, 2017. Enacted Council, December 11, 2017