Addressing housing needs in Vaughan

City of Vaughan

The City’s Affordable Housing Strategy will find local solutions to housing issues both now and in the future

As one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Canada, Vaughan continues to be a city of choice. A high standard of living, accessible location, world-class amenities, development opportunities, subway connections and so much more contribute to the diverse group of people who want to work, live, play, study and retire here. To address housing needs for current and future residents, the City of Vaughan is developing an Affordable Housing Strategy. 

Housing is not “one size fits all” and the private housing market does not always meet the full range of housing needs in a community. This is particularly true for individuals and families with low incomes or for people with unique housing and support service needs. The Affordable Housing Strategy will address these themes.  

It will provide the City with an opportunity to understand the current state of housing opportunities for residents in Vaughan, including the demographics and the social, economic and geographic factors that impact housing needs and demands.  

From there, the City will look for creative and innovative solutions to address local housing issues by reviewing a variety of planning policy and financial tools, partnership, collaboration and advocacy opportunities, and new strategies and initiatives. This strategy will also outline an implementation timeline, the process to execute the units and the resources and monitoring tools needed to measure success. 

The multi-phased approach was approved by Vaughan Council in June 2021 and will be used to create, monitor and update the City’s new strategy: 

Phase One (2021 to 2022): Affordable Housing Implementation Strategy

The City is currently developing an implementation strategy, which will be a vital component of the broader Affordable Housing Strategy. The implementation strategy will outline roles and responsibilities of who would build affordable units, define the processes required to execute them and indicate any required resources and monitoring tools needed to measure and maintain success. In addition, a best practice scan of the following will be undertaken:

  • financial tools, such as property tax reductions, waiving or reduction of application fees
  • cost analysis of incentives
  • affordability and range of affordability periods and agreements
  • licensing and registration requirements
  • monitoring and tracking

This phase will also include substantial consultation with stakeholders, including York Region (York Housing Inc.) and not-for-profit organizations capable of administering affordable housing units with the City.

Phase Two (2022): Housing Assessment Report

Under provincial regulations, municipalities are required to develop an assessment report as part of their Official Plan and inclusionary zoning policies. Changes to the provincial More Homes, More Choice Act have restricted inclusionary zoning to two locations: areas subject to a Development Permit System and Major Transit Station Areas. Provincial regulations also require the City to outline how affordable housing proceeds will be determined. As part of this process, the City may enter into an agreement with a non-profit housing provider so funds can be reinvested into other affordable housing projects. The City’s draft report will be prepared with two main focuses – a breakdown of current housing needs and demand in Vaughan and a financial impact from development analysis. The findings from this report will be used to inform the creation of an Inclusionary Zoning Policy framework and contribute to the Official Plan Review process – both of which will continue to adapt in response to COVID-19 and as the housing market evolves.  

Phase Three (2022): Inclusionary Zoning Impact Analysis

This phase will provide a quantitative and fiscal analysis on:

  • the feasibility and potential limits of inclusionary zoning, including the minimum size of development projects that it could be applied to.
  • existing development charges and parkland acquisition policies, in addition to further costs that may occur throughout implementation.
  • the percentage of affordable housing required, including different requirements for condominium ownership and purpose-built rental projects.
  • the length of time during which the units must remain affordable.

Public consultation will also take place as part of this process. Once complete, this analysis will further inform policy recommendations and the review of the City’s Official Plan, which is currently underway.

Phase Four (2022 to 2023): Vaughan Affordable Housing Strategy and Policy Updates

The approved Affordable Housing Strategy will provide an overview of the tools, policies and resources available to position the development of complete communities. It will include:

  • affordable housing objectives.
  • priority locations, including a market analysis of each area.
  • research into the key players and their respective roles in affordable housing.
  • opportunities for partnerships.
  • the types of affordable housing options required to meet current and future demand.
  • a detailed implementation plan.

Phase Five (2023 to 2024): Monitoring

The City’s Affordable Housing Strategy will be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect changing market drivers and policy evolutions – this approach will be outlined through a detailed monitoring report. It will include:

  • the number and types of affordable housing units implemented.
  • the location of the affordable housing units.
  • the range of household incomes for which the affordable housing units were provided.
  • the proceeds that were received from affordable housing unit sales.

Throughout this phased process, receiving input from the public will be a priority. A comprehensive public engagement plan will be created to inform citizens of the strategy and gather input on approaches.

The development of this strategy aligns with several priorities outlined in the City’s 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan – including City Building and fostering Active, Safe and Diverse Communities. This strategy also supports Vaughan’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the execution of policies that promote fairness, mutual respect and an undoubted sense of inclusion among the diverse individuals within the community.

All levels of government, non-profit organizations and the private sector play an essential role in the delivery of affordable and accessible housing to address local challenges. Although the Affordable Housing Strategy is being created by the City of Vaughan, York Region (Housing York Inc.) is responsible for funding, planning, delivering and administering government-assisted housing programs and services.


“In Vaughan, we have always advocated for diverse and affordable housing options that align with our vision to move our city forward without leaving anyone behind. We have taken a laser-focused approach to provide an exceptional standard of living, where everyone is encouraged to reach their full potential, actively participate in civic life and obtain equal access to opportunities. With several new projects on the horizon, including condominium developments, that will play an important role in meeting future density goals, finding a complete range of housing options for our growing city is a top priority. Our ultimate goal is to create a healthy community environment that provides a mix of uses, promotes diversity, encourages walkability and accessibility, and builds community identity. The need for affordable housing in Vaughan is immediate, and the City continues to collaborate with other levels of government to deliver this for our residents. Vaughan remains a city of choice. By offering diverse and affordable housing options, we are creating new opportunities for people who may not have previously thought it possible to call Vaughan home.”

- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua

“The City recognizes that accessible housing options are fundamental to the social, economic and physical well-being of all residents, workers and tourists of Vaughan. Staff are actively reviewing options to address housing affordability and taking steps to mitigate housing gaps – not only for today, but also for the future. With the development of an Affordable Housing Strategy, a full range of housing options across the city will be supported. In turn, this will contribute to the City’s vision of developing complete communities and fostering a welcoming sense of inclusion among Vaughan’s diverse population. Staff continue to work towards this goal.”

- City Manager Nick Spensieri


  • To address current and future housing needs, the City of Vaughan is developing an Affordable Housing Strategy, including an implementation plan.
  • The strategy will look for creative and innovative solutions to address local housing issues by reviewing a variety of planning policy and financial tools, partnerships, collaboration and advocacy opportunities, and new strategies and initiatives.
  • A multi-phased approach will be used to create, monitor and update the strategy from 2021 to 2024.
  • This approach was approved by Vaughan Council in June 2021.

