Advancing transit options in Concord

City of Vaughan
Attend a virtual session on March 29 to learn about mobility and transportation studies underway

The City of Vaughan is working to improve mobility options throughout the community. This includes advancing and connecting transit options via a potential new GO Station in the general area of Highway 7 on the Barrie GO rail line. A GO Station in this location would connect GO Transit users to York Region’s existing Viva Bus Rapid Transit network and to the TTC subway station in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre – and the City wants to hear from you.
As planning for the Concord GO Centre advances, Vaughan residents, transit riders, visitors and business owners are once again invited to have their say. A virtual Public Information Session is being held on Tuesday, March 29 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Attendees will learn more about the land use planning and transportation studies underway and provide feedback on the information presented.
If you are unable to attend the session, you can still get involved – presentation materials will be posted online at for review and comment from Wednesday, March 30 until Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Concord GO Centre Secondary Plan
To begin planning for a potential GO Station, the City adopted the Concord GO Centre Secondary Plan in June 2014, which established the policy framework for a mixed-use community near transit infrastructure. The plan allows for various employment uses, both high and low-rise mixed-use development, open space and natural areas. To implement the Concord GO Centre Secondary Plan and to plan for transit-oriented development, multiple land-use planning and transportation studies are currently in progress.  Learn more about each of them below:
Mobility Hub Study
A mobility hub consists of a major transit station and the surrounding area, with a mix of land uses at different densities and options for transportation. The Mobility Hub Study area is bounded by Oster Lane to the north, Bowes Road to the west, the Barrie-GO rail line to the east with a portion of lands extending to Ortona Court, and Highway 7 to the south.
Through the ongoing Mobility Hub Study, a land-use planning policy framework will be established to support the development of a complete community around a potential GO Station in the study area. This includes:
  • reviewing the identified areas for transit-supportive uses and intensification.eviewing the identified areas for transit-supportive uses and intensification.  
  • developing a preferred land-use scenario and location for a potential future GO Station.
  • identifying infrastructure needs and urban design guidelines to support a potential GO Station.
Transportation Master Plan
The Transportation Master Plan will evaluate existing and future transportation conditions within the Concord GO Secondary Plan area. The boundaries of the Concord GO Transportation Master Plan are Langstaff Road to the north, Dufferin Street to the east, Keele Street to the west, and Highway 407 ETR to the south.  The outcome will include recommendations for a multi-modal transportation system that develops a street network, integrates regional and local transit, addresses connectivity, provides active transportation opportunities and supports the anticipated growth of the area.
Schedule ‘C’ Environmental Assessment (EA) Study 
Upon completion of the Transportation Master Plan, this EA study will advance the planning and design of a new north-south minor collector road from Rivermede Road to Highway 7. The focus will be to determine the road’s preferred right-of-way and alignment and find ways to help minimize impacts to the natural environment, and the social and cultural realm.
Stay informed
To learn more, read the frequently asked questions or visit To be added to the Mobility Hub Study’s mailing list, email the City of Vaughan’s senior planner on file, Michelle Moretti, at To be added to the Transportation Master Plan and EA Study list, email the City of Vaughan transportation project manager on file, Mani Shahrokni at