Appreciating our unsung heroes

City of Vaughan
Vaughan celebrates National Public Works Week

Public works is the heartbeat of any city. This year, National Public Works Week runs from May 21-27 and the theme is “Public Works Connects Us.” It’s a time to recognize and thank the many public works professionals who keep us connected through services that move us and keep us healthy. They are the unsung heroes that ensure our roads are driveable, our parks are clean, our garbage is collected and our water is safe to drink.
The City of Vaughan will kick off the week with an official flag raising ceremony on May 23 at City Hall at 11:30 a.m. The week will close out with the annual National Public Works Day event on May 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain or shine) at the Joint Operations Centre located at 2800 Rutherford Rd. The public is invited to come and learn about the importance of public works and how it impacts the community. Families can enjoy many fun activities and services, including:
  • Live performance by EnviroDrum
  • Free mulch giveaway (three-bag limit)
  • Kids Bike Rodeo (bring your bike and helmet)
  • Children’s face painting, photo booth and colouring table
  • Free exchange of damaged City-issued waste bins
  • Free and secure document-shredding service and electronic recycling depot
  • Clothing and textile donation station
  • Live demonstrations of public works in action
  • Rain barrels available for preorder at and pickup at the event
For more information, visit