Attend an open house and nature walk in June

Leaves on trees

Learn about the future of Vaughan’s urban forest

We all know trees are important. They live a long time and must be carefully planned for and managed. That’s why the City of Vaughan is developing an Urban Forest Management Plan, and you are encouraged to get involved!


There are many opportunities to do so:


Read the Phase 1 engagement summary

Two rounds of public engagement are planned to help inform the development of the Urban Forest Management Plan. Phase 1 occurred from March to April 2023, and was designed to help inform the vision, principles and goals of this plan. We heard from nearly 500 survey respondents whose feedback will help inform the development of the final plan. Read the Phase 1 engagement summary.


Attend an in-person open house

Join City staff on Thursday, June 8 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Woodbridge Room 242 at Vaughan City Hall (2141 Major Mackenzie Dr. W.) to learn more about the current state of our urban forest and the framework of the Urban Forest Management Plan. Registration is encouraged. Refreshments will be provided.


Participate in a guided nature walk

Speak directly with the project team during a nature walk on Saturday, June 10 at 10 a.m. at Sugar Baker Bush Woodlot (91 Thornhill Woods Dr.). Staff will speak about the pressures woodland management is facing in Vaughan and the framework of the Urban Forest Management Plan. Registration is encouraged.


Coming soon: more opportunities to have your say!

The City’s first-ever State of the Urban Forest report and framework of the Urban Forest Management Plan will be posted online in early June. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the Urban Forest Management Plan through a short survey. We’re looking for input on which goals and strategies you hope to see prioritized in the final plan. Stay tuned for more details!


Why is Vaughan’s urban forest so important?

Trees are integral to the city's character and enhance the quality of life for our community. They provide oxygen; improve mental and physical health; provide shelter for insects, birds and other animals; provide shelter and food for humans and animals, like fruits and nuts. They also cool the air, save water, reduce noise pollution, capture stormwater runoff and beautify the community.


The Urban Forest Management Plan will be presented to Council for ratification in fall 2023. The City recognizes the significant role the urban tree canopy plays in providing an improved quality of life. Preserving and protecting healthy trees will help the City achieve its commitment to maintaining and enhancing the urban forest and the environment. This plan aligns with the City’s aim to champion a sustainable community and act as a steward to preserve the natural environment and lead with municipal best practices.


Learn more about the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan at


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