Changes are coming to Kirby Road

City of Vaughan
Get involved by participating in a self-guided virtual Public Information Centre before Friday, June 25

The City of Vaughan is improving Kirby Road between Jane Street and Dufferin Street – and your input is needed. As part of the City’s Kirby Road Widening Environmental Assessment Study, alternative designs for the road widening are being considered, including adding pedestrian and cyclist spaces and a grade separation at the Barrie GO crossing and straightening the road at the intersection of Kirby Road and Jane Street. Get involved in the planning stages and help shape the future road by participating in a self-guided virtual Public Information Centre. Review plans and comment on recommendations now until Friday, June 25 at
The City completed the North Vaughan and New Communities Transportation Master Plan in 2019 – this plan assessed a primary study area bounded by Highway 27, King-Vaughan Road, Bathurst Road and Teston Road (referred to as the North Vaughan Study Area). One of the recommendations was to widen Kirby Road from two to four lanes between Jane Street and Dufferin Street and the study also identified a need to improve transportation opportunities for all who travel throughout that area, whether on foot, by bicycle, in a vehicle or via public transit. These improvements will address capacity and operational needs and accommodate planned growth in the area for all roadway users.
As the Kirby Road Widening study progresses, public consultation remains a vital component. You are invited to participate in a self-guided virtual Public Information Centre to review plans and share your thoughts on the recommended options for Kirby Road, which have been developed to address widening the road, adding facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, enhanced streetscaping, a grade-separation and jog elimination. Participants will also have the opportunity to obtain background information on the study, review the findings to date and comment on recommendations. Visit to get started. Supporting materials – including the recommended plan from Jane to Keele streets and Keele to Dufferin streets, and typical roadway cross sections – are also available on the project’s webpage.
For more information on the project or to participate in the Public Information Centre, visit