City continues to expand local parks

City of Vaughan
Enhancements, repairs and new developments coming to greenspaces across Vaughan
The City of Vaughan continues to expand and make improvements to local parks and open spaces throughout the community. These projects reflect Vaughan’s tradition of creating welcoming outdoor areas that safely bring the community together, are inclusive, encourage recreational activity and provide greenspace for generations to come.
Here are highlights of some City parks that have recently or are currently undergoing enhancements:
Located at 65 Secord Ave. in Kleinburg, Secord Park will be home to a new waterplay feature. Scheduled to open in September, the area will include a variety of fun splash and spray features for children to enjoy. The City’s Parks Delivery team has completed three new parks – Mactier Greenway, Boulevard Park and Carrying Place Common – in this area this year. Improvements such as safety surfacing also took place at Maple Airport Park and pathway improvements were completed at Ahmadiyya Park.
Located at 7401 Martin Grove Rd. in Woodbridge, the artificial turf field at Vaughan Grove Sports Park has been updated. A new turf field has been installed to improve athlete safety with a resilient rubber shock-absorbing pad and a new scoreboard will be installed later this fall. This year, renovations also took place at Alexander Elisa Park, including the renewed basketball court and playground, which is now open for residents to enjoy. In addition, the City’s Parks Delivery team anticipates the completion of Porter Park and new playground improvements at Father Ermanno Bulfon District Park by the end of 2020.  
Located in Vellore Village at 100 Cannes Ave., construction at Cannes Park will begin this fall. The new park will feature children’s playgrounds, a gazebo, tennis courts, pathways and beautiful views of nearby valleys. Work was also completed at two additional parks in this area this year, including pathway improvements at Fenyrose Parkette and the redevelopment of the playground and tennis court at Marco Park.
Located in Concord at 535 Confederation Pkwy., a new sports field fence was recently constructed in Agostino Park around the senior soccer field to enhance play. Construction of three new parks – Crimson Forest Common (Phase 1), Glenngarry Square and Maple Station Park – were also completed in this area this year.
Located at 120 Conley St. in Thornhill, new playground equipment has been installed at Conley North Park. Unique to this playground, its ravine landscape and sustainable features have also been highlighted with additional plantings and grading. Two other parks in this area – Bathurst Estates Park and Newport Square Park – underwent enhancements, including playground surfacing. As well, Thornhill Green Park will be home to a new waterplay area including splash and play features, to be completed later this year.
These local park projects add to the growing list of outdoor greenspaces the City has created and enhanced for citizens to enjoy. They also further align with Vaughan’s commitment to fostering active, safe and diverse communities that are environmentally sustainable and inclusive, as outlined in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
As the provincial government continues to gradually reopen parts of Ontario, the City’s priority remains the health and safety of residents. When using reopened amenities, residents must:
  • stay at least two metres (approximately six feet) away from others not in their social circles.
  • not share equipment, such as tennis balls and racquets.
  • keep dogs on a leash if not in a designated off-leash area.
  • continue to use proper hand hygiene as playgrounds are neither supervised nor sanitized.
  • avoid visiting if feeling unwell. Contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 if symptoms of COVID-19 occur. 
Any violations can be reported to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or Reports of this nature will be referred to the City's By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department for investigation. Fines in the amount of $105 to $400 under the Parks By-law, and $500 to $100,000 under the Emergency Measures By-law, may be laid. 
For more information on these parks and others, visit 