City Seeks Public Input on Parks, Recreation and Library Facilities

The City of Vaughan is currently soliciting public input for how its parks, recreation and library facilities are provided through the review and update of the Active Together Master Plan  which was last amended in 2008. 

Including public participation, the City is co-ordinating with the urban and regional planning firm Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to update the plan. It will ensure these City services and facilities meet the demands and needs of residents until 2031 and beyond.

This second public information session will allow residents to provide input on existing programs, facilities and future needs. Additional input will be collected through a random household telephone survey and user group surveys.

The second of two public information sessions will be held on:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
7 to 9 p.m.
North Thornhill Community Centre (Gymnasium)
300 Pleasant Ridge Avenue, Thornhill

For more information regarding the Active Together Master Plan call 905-832-2281 or email