City of Vaughan and York Regional Police partner on Operation Silent Night

Mayor Del Duca with YRP

Maximum fines of $10,000 for participating in unauthorized car rallies


The City of Vaughan continues to prioritize public safety for everyone who lives in, works in and visits Vaughan. Unauthorized car rallies are disruptive to everyone’s quality of life and pose a significant risk to the community. These events often come with excessive noise, speeding, stunt driving and blocking or impeding motor or pedestrian traffic.


Unauthorized car rallies typically involve people gathering with their modified vehicles to do stunts, and taking over private property, like parking lots, or roads. These events do not have a permit or permission from the City to take place.


Today, the City, in collaboration with York Regional Police (YRP) and the Insurance Bureau of Canada, held a press conference at the #4 District Headquarters with Mayor Steven Del Duca and Police Chief Jim MacSween to announce amendments to Vaughan’s Special Events By-law (PDF) and Noise By-law (PDF) to prohibit any participation in unauthorized car rallies. 


The Special Events By-law has been amended to prohibit any participation in unauthorized car rallies, including:

  • sponsoring, collecting money for, co-ordinating, advertising or hosting a car rally
  • spectating, attending or bringing a vehicle to a car rally
  • driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle at a car rally
  • stopping, slowing or impeding the movement of traffic, including pedestrian traffic, as a consequence of a car rally
  • being a vendor at a car rally


The maximum fine associated with participating in, or having a motor vehicle at, an unauthorized car rally is $10,000, and the City and YRP can also issue administrative penalties of $1,000 for a first offence and $2,000 for any subsequent offence. This includes anyone sponsoring, collecting money for, co-ordinating, advertising, hosting or being a vendor. Any person spectating, attending, or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle at an unauthorized car rally may be fined up to $10,000 or may receive an administrative penalty of $500.


The Noise By-law has been amended to prohibit anyone from emitting, causing or permitting noise from an unauthorized car rally. 


The maximum fine associated with breaking the Noise By-law is $5,000. Any person emitting, causing or permitting sound or noise from a car rally may be fined or receive an administrative penalty of $1,000 for a first offence and $2,000 for any subsequent offence.


In collaboration with YRP, the City will be working with local plaza owners to outline their role and responsibilities pertaining to the by-law, and how they can help deter unauthorized car rally events from taking place on their properties.


To report a suspected unauthorized rally, excessive noise or loitering, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281. If you have any concerns for public safety at any time, call 9-1-1 immediately.


To learn more, visit



“Unauthorized car rallies are not allowed in Vaughan. Period. These gatherings are unsettling to residents and businesses, and pose a significant risk to community safety. The behaviour that takes place at these events is unacceptable, and we will be taking every action possible to stop these types of events from happening. We continue to prioritize public safety for everyone who lives in, works in or visits Vaughan. I look forward to working collaboratively with our partners at York Regional Police and plaza owners to ensure everyone in Vaughan remains safe.”

- Mayor Steven Del Duca 


“York Regional Police is in full support of these bylaw amendments to address unlawful and unauthorized car rallies in the City of Vaughan. We know how disruptive these events are to residents, creating noise disturbances, property damage and road safety hazards. We are committed to working collaboratively to ensure the safety of all residents through enforcement and education.”

- York Regional Police Chief Jim MacSween



  • The amendments to the Special Events By-law and Noise By-law were approved at the March 26, 2024 Council meeting.
  • With Council’s endorsement, Vaughan has become the one of first cities in Ontario to take a strong stance and prohibit unauthorized car rallies.
  • To report a suspected unauthorized rally, excessive noise or loitering, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281. If you have any concerns for public safety at any time, call 9-1-1 immediately.