City of Vaughan Employees Honoured for their Commitment to Service Excellence

City of Vaughan
​June 4, 2013 

The City of Vaughan’s Employee Recognition Awards ceremony was held recently at City Hall to recognize staff who have achieved service milestones or demonstrated service excellence through the We Are Vaughan corporate recognition program.

“There is no greater calling than to be of service to others and no higher purpose than to make a difference in people’s lives,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “The people who work for the City of Vaughan do their jobs with pride and passion. I want to thank the award recipients for their dedication to the City and for working so hard to make Vaughan the vibrant and dynamic community it is today. They are the manifestation of the higher values of public service and civic responsibility.”

A total of 278 service awards were presented including 178 awards for employees who had five or more years of service with the city, and one to a long-standing public works employee with 40 years of service. In addition, 90 employees were recognized with We Are Vaughan program awards following nominations from their co-workers. The program also acknowledges the outstanding efforts made by one employee with the City Manager’s Award of Excellence, one of the highest honours awarded to staff.

This year, the City Manager’s Award of Excellence went to Janis Lees from the Recreation and Culture department. Ms. Lees was recognized for her strong decision-making skills as a recreation services supervisor and for exemplifying the City’s corporate values of respect, accountability and dedication.  

“Professionalism, commitment to best practices and high standards of excellence are at the heart of these awards,” said Interim City Manager Barbara Cribbett. “This event reinforces how important each and every employee’s contribution is to the overall success of the City of Vaughan. I want to thank everyone who was recognized this year for the work they do to help make our city one of Canada’s best.”


Janis Lees (front row, third from left) and fellow nominees for the City Manager's Award of Excellence.