Council 101

City of Vaughan
Learn about Vaughan’s local government and the upcoming municipal election

Vaughan citizens – Council 101 is in session! How much do you know about the local government structure and the upcoming municipal election? The City of Vaughan is here to keep you informed about everything you need to know.

Levels of government

In Canada, we live in a democracy. This means citizens have the opportunity to have a say in how the country is run by voting in federal, provincial and municipal elections. How much do you know about the different levels of government?

Municipalities, including Vaughan, hold elections every four years. The City is within a two-tier government system. There are two levels of local government providing services to our community – York Region, as the upper-tier level of government, and the lower-tier governments are the cities and towns within York Region, including Vaughan. The cities are responsible for many programs, services and infrastructure you rely on each day. Here is a breakdown of some of the key services provided by each level:

York Region provides:
  • Family and children services
  • Paramedics
  • Police services
  • Public health
  • Public transit (YRT/ Viva)
  • Regional roads
  • And much more

The City of Vaughan provides:
  • Building permits
  • By-law and enforcement
  • Fire and rescue services
  • Parks, forestry and horticulture maintenance
  • Recreation and fitness services and centres
  • Snow removal and salting
  • Waste collection
  • And much more

Vaughan’s government structure

Vaughan Council is currently made up of nine members – one Mayor, three Local and Regional Councillors, and five Ward Councillors. The Mayor is elected as the head of Council, and Local and Regional Councillors are elected to represent Vaughan at local and regional levels. Ward Councillors are elected to represent their wards on Vaughan Council. School Board Trustees are also elected to act as their community’s advocate for public education. In the 2022 Municipal Election, Vaughan will add a fourth Local and Regional Councillor.

Why vote in the election?

A municipal election decides who will govern a city and school board.  Your voice matters in the decision-making process. Voting ensures your values, goals and ideas are reflected in the people who represent you, which allows you to help shape the future of where you live.

How you can vote in the 2022 Municipal Election

Are you registered to vote in the 2022 Municipal Election? The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for collecting information from eligible Ontario voters for the 2022 Municipal Election in October. To find out if you are on the Voters List, visit Ensure the information is accurate and up to date. If necessary, you can make changes and additions for yourself or others in your household at this time.

To be eligible to vote in the 2022 Municipal Election, you must be a Canadian citizen, over the age of 18, and either a resident of the city of Vaughan, or an owner or tenant of property in the city of Vaughan, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of property in the city of Vaughan. Vote online from Thursday, Oct. 6 to Thursday, Oct. 20 or vote in-person on Voting Day – Monday, Oct. 24.

Stay tuned for much more information on voting, including accessible options, how to vote online and more.

Learn more about your local government and how to vote in the 2022 Municipal Election by visiting

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