Countdown to Canada 150 in Vaughan begins

Community plans to inspire and celebrate the spirit of Canada’s sesquicentennial in 2017

The spirit of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation is in the air as preparations get underway to bring the party to the City of Vaughan. The countdown to a year of national celebration is on and the milestone — known as the sesquicentennial — promises opportunities for citizens, visitors, businesses and community and cultural groups to participate, celebrate and embrace their civic pride.

Celebration Task Force

Canada 150 in Vaughan began with the formation of a celebration task force co-chaired by Ward 4 Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco and Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman, with Regional Councillor Mario Ferri and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati also representing Council on the team. The task force also includes citizens from each Ward and representatives from community organizations:

  • Gina Jaricot, Ward 1
  • Jennifer Johnson, Ward 1
  • Maria Casale, Ward 2
  • Michael Del Duca, Ward 2
  • Priya Shah, Ward 3
  • Antoinette Stephenson, Ward 3
  • Cathy Ferlisi, Ward 4
  • Maya Goldenberg, Ward 4
  • Gary Gladstone, Ward 5
  • Ziny Kirshenbaum, Ward 5
  • Pina Falbo, Vaughan Chamber of Commerce
  • Lisa McDonough, Vaughan Public Libraries
  • Giacomo Parisi, Heritage Vaughan Committee

The group will be consulting residents, businesses and community organizations to collect ideas and develop recommendations for how Vaughan can make meaningful contributions to help mark the commemorative year.

Funding for Canada 150

The City has submitted a grant application for the Canada 150 Fund, which aims to support Canadian values, culture, history and pride through commemorative activities and programming. The City will also apply for grants through Ontario150, which provides funding for local celebrations, community partnerships and improvements to existing infrastructure. If successful, the grant monies will go toward creating innovative and inclusive programming that will reach a diverse audience and make a lasting impression on the community for years to come.

Community groups and organizations — such as registered charities and athletic associations — interested in organizing local Canada 150 initiatives are encouraged to apply for funding through Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), which is committed to supporting thousands of local projects through small grants. Eligibility must first be confirmed before the three-part application process can be completed online. The CFC offers a fact sheet that explains the funding opportunity.

Funding under the Ontario150 Community Capital Program is also available to community groups and organizations. The Ontario Trillium Foundation is hosting webinars until the end of August to help community organizations understand the program and application process.

Its not too early to get involved

The City will be using the hashtag #VaughanCAN150 to communicate news, information and updates about Canada 150 in Vaughan on social media. The public is encouraged to start using the hashtag to share their excitement about the upcoming commemorative year. Be sure to follow the City of Vaughan’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and blog and subscribe to the City Update eNewsletter to see Vaughan’s Canada 150 photos and videos and receive news and alerts. A section of will be dedicated to Canada 150 in Vaughan and is expected to launch before the end of the year.