Creating funding opportunities

City of Vaughan
Vaughan launches new Corporate Partnerships Program

The City of Vaughan is calling on businesses to give back to the community in a new way. A Corporate Partnerships Program is being launched to generate alternative non-taxation funding to support City programs, services and infrastructure.
As a growing municipality, maintaining City assets is fundamental to the quality of life residents enjoy. The purpose of the program is to build partnerships with companies that want to make a positive contribution to the community.
There are a variety of ways for companies to get involved.
  • Infrastructure Revitalization Partnerships – funding could be used to renovate or make facilities more accessible for residents.
  • Program Partnerships – support for the City’s programs could go toward reducing the cost of recreation programs for low-income families and individuals in Vaughan, making the arts more accessible, funding culture and green initiatives. It could also be used to help animals and youth, fund parks, trails and tree planting initiatives.
  • Naming Rights Partnerships – naming or renaming City facilities or individual components of facilities is available to corporations. The City will retain ownership and control over the property.
“The spirit of generosity defines our community. The City of Vaughan is blessed with people and businesses that truly understand the importance of giving back. We have many corporate citizens who recognize the value in funding a special program or community centre because they want to contribute to city-building. The Corporate Partnerships Program will provide much needed resources so we can continue to provide residents with essential amenities without impacting tax rates. Collaboration between the private and public sector is a perfect example of coming together for the greater good. I have confidence we have companies in Vaughan that will rise to the occasion to make a difference.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua

  • All partnerships will follow guidelines in a new Corporate Partnerships Policy designed to safeguard the City’s image and assets while allowing new forms of partnership to be considered for the benefit of the community.
  • This program was designed based on successful corporate partnership programs in the municipal, private and not-for-profit sectors, with special attention given to the City of Vaughan’s specific needs.
  • Those interested in learning more about the Corporate Partnerships Program should contact Municipal Partnerships at 905-832-2281, ext. 8841 or email


  • Corporate Partnerships webpage
  • Corporate Partnership Council report