Designing the Promenade Centre area

Promenade PIC

Do you live in, shop near, dine at or visit the area around Promenade Mall? This area is known as the Promenade Centre – it’s 95 acres of land bounded by Centre Street, Bathurst Street, Clark Avenue West and New Westminster Drive – and it’s evolving as our community continues to grow.


The City of Vaughan is undertaking a Promenade Centre Public Realm Framework and Urban Design Guidelines Study to help guide the area’s growth. Why is this study important? It’ll establish a plan that dictates how the future area will look. This includes how streets and open spaces are designed, how new buildings will look, and so much more.


Public engagement has been vital in the development of this study to date. And now, we want to hear what you think about the plan before we move forward.


Want to learn more? Join the upcoming virtual meeting:

  • Date: Tuesday, Aug. 29
  • Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Location: Live, virtual format via Zoom.
  • Registration: Not required. A link to tune into the meeting will be made available at the day of.


You will hear from the project team about the study (including how it was influenced by the City’s Promenade Centre Secondary Plan), the vision and guiding principles for the area, an overview of the public realm framework, streetscape plans and urban design guidelines, and how this plan will be implemented.


Along with the presentation, you can participate in live polls, discussions and question-and-answer periods.


Can’t attend the meeting? You can still get involved.

Project materials will be made available online following the live meeting – review them and submit comments directly to the project manager via email at until Friday, Sept. 15.


All feedback provided will be used to help refine the City’s study plans before it’s brought forward to Vaughan Council for approval.


More about the Promenade Centre Public Realm Framework and Urban Design Guidelines Study

The City’s Promenade Centre Public Realm Framework and Urban Design Guidelines Study is underway. Now in its final phase, this plan will build from the foundation established in the approved Promenade Centre Secondary Plan (2022) to create public spaces that are people-first, and focus on safety, comfort, livability and sustainability for all residents, employees and visitors to the Promenade Centre. The guidelines in this study will help City staff implement the vision – including how streets are designed, how open spaces will look, the architecture of new buildings and so much more. Once complete, this study’s framework will help co-ordinate the design of development activities in the area and ensure all public and private partners are working towards the same vision. For more information, visit


More about the Promenade Centre Secondary Plan

The City completed the Promenade Centre Secondary Plan Study in 2022. This plan establishes a vision, key principles and a land-use framework to guide the community’s future evolution and development. The approved plan outlines how to achieve a complete community, one that includes residential mixed-uses, is transit-supportive, supports multi-modal travel and features attractive, functional and pedestrian-friendly spaces. The Secondary Plan guides the City and developers when planning public and private developments in the study area.


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