Developing Vaughan’s downtown core

City of Vaughan
VMC Sub-Committee meets to review city-building initiatives and programs

The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the largest and most ambitious project in the City of Vaughan’s history – and it continues to transform. The City is committed to ensuring that the downtown is developed as a complete and balanced community with high-density mixed uses that are transit supportive and pedestrian friendly, in addition to offering a vibrant sense of place, high-quality of life and environmentally sustainable design approaches. To help guide growth, communicate initiatives and ensure municipal policies and planning requirements are upheld, the City of Vaughan’s VMC Sub-Committee met earlier this week.
The following items were discussed:
A Transportation Master Plan Update is underway to guide the City’s approach to transportation and land-use planning in the VMC. The planned VMC road network was developed almost a decade ago as part of the City’s 2012 Transportation Master Plan. Since then, transportation throughout Vaughan has expanded and evolved, including the opening of the VMC subway station and bus terminal. An updated mobility review is now required to support the area’s development through 2041. An implementation plan for transportation infrastructure improvements, policies and programs will also be created as part of the update. In addition, two Municipal Class Environmental Assessments are being advanced as part of the transportation update to extend Millway Avenue and Interchange Way. Learn more in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Transportation Master Plan Update (PDF).
By undertaking the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan, the City will guide the timely development of parks and open spaces in the VMC and create a signage strategy to make the area easier to navigate. Public engagement is a vital component of this plan and feedback was incorporated in the development of the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan to date. This report includes updates on refinements to the master plan, the upcoming framework for recommendations and the development of signage concepts. Learn more about upcoming milestones and public input opportunities in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan Update - Implementation Plan (PDF).
As construction progresses in Vaughan’s downtown, the focus is on advancing critical infrastructure improvements in each of the four quadrants to keep pace with development and support the growing community. For an overview of development statistics and associated capital improvements through 2021, view the following VMC Sub-Committee Reports: VMC Development Activity Update (PDF) and VMC Capital Projects and Implementation Plan Update (PDF).
View the Nov. 2, 2021 VMC Sub-Committee meeting agenda for more information.
All sub-committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at Meetings are posted within the Council and Committee meeting calendar, available at
Chaired by Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua, the VMC Sub-Committee is also comprised of Members of Council and City staff. The committee’s mandate – which is outlined in the VMC Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) –  will run throughout the 2018-2022 term of Council.
“In Vaughan, we are laser-focused on our ultimate goal of creating a healthy and unique complete community environment that provides a mix of uses, promotes diversity, encourages walkability and accessibility, and shapes community identity. With a mission to build on our strategic partnerships and leverage strong relationships with the development community to make sure Vaughan’s downtown truly becomes the place to be, the VMC Sub-Committee is leading our city into the future. Residential, industrial and transportation development is progressing rapidly in Vaughan. As a result, the City has turned its attention to advancing infrastructure investments and public realm improvements needed to support our emerging downtown core. With an estimated 7,700 people currently living in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC), and a critical mass of development beginning to materialize, the immediate and long-term need for parks, world-class amenities and services is evident. Throughout this past year, the City has unveiled several new public art installations and hosted events and activations that contribute to the sensory experience we aim to achieve within the VMC. We have also recently launched an on-street parking pilot project within proximity to the VMC Subway Station, a first-of-its-kind initiative for Vaughan. As a committee, we will continue pursuing opportunities to expand the heart of our downtown core to maximize positive outcomes for Vaughan’s citizens and businesses. A city that uses investment-ready planning thinks strategically about how we can best attract job-creating investments, create new and welcoming neighbourhoods, and ensure we have the public transit and infrastructure in place to move people, goods, services and our economy forward. I remain confident that by incorporating good urban design into our public spaces, we will continue to foster community well-being for generations to come.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • The City of Vaughan’s VMC Sub-Committee met virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
  • Chaired by Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua, the committee’s mandate is to help guide growth in the VMC, communicate initiatives and ensure municipal policies and planning requirements are met.
  • During the Nov. 2 meeting, the following items were discussed: VMC Transportation Plan Update, VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan Update – Implementation Plan, VMC Development Activity Update and a VMC Capital Projects Update.
  • All VMC Sub-Committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at