Do you know the duties of an Integrity Commissioner?

City of Vaughan
Take a survey until Nov. 30 to provide input and learn more about Vaughan’s Integrity Commissioner

Overseeing the system in place that facilitates elected officials to operate with honesty, transparency and purpose – this is the guiding principle of the City of Vaughan’s Office of the Integrity Commissioner. How familiar are you with the role of an Integrity Commissioner? How comfortable are you contacting the Integrity Commissioner to obtain ethics advice or file a complaint? Are additional measures needed to enhance Vaughan’s Code of Conduct for elected officials? Answer these questions and more by taking an online survey. 

Operating independently from the City, an Integrity Commissioner is responsible for providing policy advice, complaint resolution and education to Members of Council on issues of ethics and integrity. This is done to maintain the City’s high ethical standards. 

The Integrity Commissioner also ensures the City operates with good governance and holds the public’s trust through inclusive, transparent and accountable decision-making, responsible financial management and superior service delivery and effective communication – all priorities outlined in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan. 

The City wants to hear from you!

Until Wednesday, Nov. 30, an online survey is available at­. The survey seeks to understand your general knowledge about the roles and duties of Vaughan’s Integrity Commissioner, your familiarity with the Code of Conduct (PDF) that all Members of Council are required to follow, and how you feel about the complaint process and the penalties handed down if someone is found in violation of the code. It will take approximately nine minutes to complete. 

Input collected may be used to:

  • provide input to the provincial government to make changes to the Municipal Act, 2001.
  • increase the services offered by the Integrity Commissioner and clarify how current services are offered.
  • develop a future communication and education program. 

A report will also be published detailing what was shared. 

Are you a lobbyist?

Are you registered to lobby in Vaughan? Do you know what constitutes as a lobbying activity? Do you have the right resources to ensure you can communicate effectively with public officeholders? Another online lobbyist survey is being conducted. 

This survey aims to understand:

  • how much you know about Vaughan’s lobbyist registry.
  • your knowledge of what activities qualify as lobbying and the requirements for registering a lobbying activity in Vaughan.
  • the need for stronger practices to support lobbying that aligns with Vaughan’s Lobbyist Code of Conduct and the Municipal Act, 2001. 

The lobbyist survey will take approximately a minute or less to complete and is available until Wednesday, Nov. 30. For more information, visit 

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